
@blash: Haha i forget that part. I've only been to thanksgiving a few times. How can a whole holiday be centered around the most boring meat of all?

I got told off once for eating a vegetable dish at a dinner even though I am not a vegetarian. Some girl bitched me out even though there was way more than enough of it to go around, she told me I was being selfish and I should stick to the meat dishes unless I was a vegetarian. It was odd.

@safeword: ugh. I stopped watching a few years ago. Not that it was ever quality television, but I just got too creeped out.

@safeword: ugh i hate this. Tell me more about your dead mother. How did you feel when you were repeatedly abused as a child? Were you sad? So creepy.

lol I have read all the articles about how awful, painful and stupid these things are and I am still drawn to the idea. not even to lose weight, just to do it.

@Nimblicity: Lol mine too. I go to the thrift store and barely look at the sizes anymore. :) But I realise not everyone gets into it.

If you'd rather spend time than money: hemming things, shortening sleeves, taking in most shirts, you can do yourself, by hand, with minimal effort.

@ifoughtthelaw: Well I know she trashed him on Oprah, and everyone with an interest in the Presley legacy has tried to discredit the marriage itself, but this I think she has always been clear on. :)

@ifoughtthelaw: I see. Still don't see why the default assumption (and I don't just mean yours) would be that they couldn't possibly have been having sex during the several years they spent together. I mean she left the father of her kids for him, seems like he must have given her a solid reason. But I am not hating :)

@thequeenofstartingover: Same! I haven't had unpainted nails in years, but I've never gone to the salon. What is it that they do to your hands that you can't do yourself? So mysterious.

I don't get it. Wanting to paint your nails does not automatically mean a) having to go to the salon b) never being able to play in the sandbox again.

@feministabroad: they didn't say anything about look, they said fit.

@Dinosaurs and Nachos, girlfriend!: If your brothers want to take your son to a movie? I don't get it. They can take your kids to any movie, last I remember I was taken to R movies by adults who weren't my parents, The point is you, as the parent, can make an informed decision before hand and say, "I'd rather not have

@PaintedTrollop: God, in a shared workplace is so ridiculous. And if a female cook(?) did the same she'd be treated like a sex offender. Great.

@PaintedTrollop: i'm pretty sure you're joking, but it's that "everyone loves female nudity" thing that bothers me the most about these issues. i could do with less naked chicks in films. i get nothing from it, and most of the time, when the camera ogles some girl's body all it does is drive home that this film was

Her statement, wow. That one man is all it takes to make a strong girl like that to feel so vulnerable.

@Sniper RK a.k.a. JeevesofRKdia: Really? I've never heard that outside of Jezebel. But then again, the rest of my family is super Catholic. ("Support our priests during these trying times!")