
@Libra18: nope. no curfew for me since i already knew taking rides/using public transportation/walking after a certain time of night would get me raped and killed. How responsible of me! Curfews for them who otherwise would feel no need to set limits for themselves.

Loving both my parents right now for proclaiming that "teenage girls are more mature/independent/self-sufficient/trustworthy than boys". Both my brothers had curfews while I was free as a bird.

@ides: That was my first thought. Proves he does not know what the word rape means.

Nowhere is the slightest insinuation she beat him.

@CrazyLegsMeg: I, for one, have never seen this exact image discussed before, neither on this site nor anywhere else.

omg how avant-garde.

This is really so disturbing.

@Cinnamoncanuck: Her husband hit her in the head very often and very hard. I remember she either partially lost hearing or sight, so maybe that's it.

It actually really stood out to me growing up that my dad NEVER seemed to "notice" women in that way. I really appreciated it, I do think it matters.

@soursequence: I am late but I like talking about hair....

@jadelyce: Spanish is just as "western" as English, but agreed.

@cherry_blossom: The German cannibal I think only got 7 years because assisted suicide is not legal. I think. When he was released he said something to the extent of, "hmmm well if the opportunity came up again, I can't promise I'll just say no.. tee hee."

@voteforme: I just don't think she has put as much thought into her act/image/product as people give her credit for. It's like she is miming all the outward signs of something planned and visionary, but there is nothing coherent to support it.

@BenjimusPrime: oh i didn't think you were, and i just meant there's nothing we can do about being women, and automatically in that bullyable group.

@G.O.B.: Come on!:Make it clear to him that you think he is ridiculous and pathetic, but do so insidiously. Eventually, the tension will escalate to the point where he will either cry or feel compelled to challenge you to a duel (being younger, you will win.) Patriarchy destroyed from the inside!

@rdVark: Absolutely. After all, you are a man's property, so if there is no man around, you are available to anyone.

@DontFearTheReaper: Yes. Teach him women are just as human as he is and he will have a bright, healthy-relationship-filled future. :)