
@BenjimusPrime: But the problem is that "what appears to be bullyable person" describes every woman who ventures in public. Street harassment happens to women because they are women, and that's what's infuriating.

I got hit on/shouted at/followed around by men in cars SO MUCH more when I was 14 than at 20. I look pretty much the same, and now I wear more make-up and less clothes. Creepy.

I don't get how this works though. So it's inserted around your breasts underneath the skin - but why would it not sag with the rest of the breast?

@SilentShout: To prevent strangers from knowing everything about them? You can see small breasts through shirts too.

Absolutely. Padded bras make me feel really self-conscious, walking around with little pillows strapped to my sternum. I don't think the shape ever looks natural, either.

Most worrying: all this passion and devotion, all these risks taken for... Justin Bieber. Usher's little knitting project.

I lived in co-ed dorms, with a co-ed bathroom. This was fine, it never occurred to me to want it any other way.

@peasantpoesies: I have always wondered this. I understand the brow taming part, but they also sell "clear brow gel", so why clear mascara?

Once we bought a bottle of absinthe and then half my friends remembered that they all can't stand licorice (???) Excellent night for the rest of us, but it's always weird to be like "how can so many people hate the most delicious flavor ever?"

I think moving is excellent. It teaches you a lot of self-reliance, opens your mind up, etc. If you have problems wherever you are, considering them from a distance is almost always good. Learning how to start over in a place where you have no support system builds character. Even if it is a short-term move, lots of

Their Eyes Were Watching God.

But men invented cursive. And for a while they were the only ones who could do it since women weren't encouraged to read and write. How is it inherently feminine?

lol no.

@SilentShout: I use lady quite often, just for like "that lady over there," "some lady at work said..." etc.

@la.donna.pietra: lol. it seems pretty recent though doesn't it? like it simultaneously evolved in the douche population and in the overly PC demographic. I hate it either way, but will let it slide in the latter.

@RadishSpirit: Yes! I found it so bizarre when I first heard someone use it that way in English. I automatically assumed he was a serial killer.