
Astonishing as it may seem celebrities, just like normal people, do not make all of their relationship decisions based on the news of the last six months when the relationship in question has lasted more than a decade.

I was stunned when I saw Bautista in ‘BR2049'. It was such a quiet performance, and it felt like he’d really taken the time to figure out who this character was.

Genuinely don’t get how Garland being open about his plans is ‘sabotaging’ the movie

I’m usually pretty forgiving of CGI effects, but I still can’t believe someone saw that windsurfing Bond and thought, “Ah, yes, good, good; print it.” I hope that was at least a last minute Oh-shit-we-have-to-lock-it-in-to-hit-our-release-date decision.

Check out bullet train. He’s fantastic in it. 

I wasn’t a huge fan of this choice when it was first rumored a year or so ago but after seeing Bullet Train, I can totally buy it.

The Marvels was hardly great but it had kernels of good. Madame Web was nothing but shameless nods to material Sony doesn’t fully control and awful writing. The decision to make Sweeney and the others 14-16 year old little girls was really strange- someone on set clearly just wanted to see SS in a school girl outfit

Nah this is a troll.  I’m not huge on Brie Larson and Carol is the worst Captain Marvel but The Marvels was, indeed, fun.  It probably should have been a D+ series instead of a movie but at least it wasn’t 3 hours long.

Q: What do Christmas and Sydney Sweeney’s boobs have in common?

I understand where Proyas is coming from, but if anybody is going to play gatekeeper it should be James O'Barr. He created the comic as a means of dealing with his fiance getting killed by a drunk driver, then watched the narrative of the character get permanently associated with the death of someone else instead. 

Every time he opened his mouth I braced myself for the worst words to come out of it, and he did not disappoint.

Wait ‘till people find out Dawes has been donating to Trump for years!

Her deeply unpleasant boyfriend from the first season oddly becomes the best part of the second.

Why do right wingers never get that one is free to say what they want, the government cannot impression you, BUT you cannot be free of consequences for saying those things in the free market of capitalism and public opinion.

The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.

Stop. Please, just stop. We know her publicised history. You don’t need to keep doubling down on this.

You are sentient dog excrement.

What a shit ass thing to say

Racist?  What?  Commenting or disapproving of another culture isn't racist.  If that were the case, modern society wouldn't have improved over millenia.  Come on. 

Why does Barsanti constantly write like this? What is the point of this first paragraph?