
Also to be fair, it’s no wonder he struggled after “Da Bomb” - he had a lot of sauce on that wing - he practically rubbed the whole wing in the sauce! The camera even did a special “under the arm” shot to show how much sauce he put on, something they usually never do. In comparison, it didn’t even look like Jenna

...citing his desire not to stick around as a correspondent if he wasn’t being tapped to host the show. (No one has yet been tapped, for the record.)

Colin from Accounts is highly recommended - one of my favorite comedies in quite a while! I have a sneaking suspicion it would’ve done (even) better with a more typical generic comedy title, but hopefully more people discover this gem. And it got renewed for a second season!

I could’ve sworn it was the voice of Willem Dafoe, but I guess Sam Witwer (as kirk corndog mentions) makes more sense for a Star Wars show, unless it’s one of those “I’ve always wanted to play a storm trooper - Daniel Craig”-situations...

I don’t know what it was about The Pacific that didn’t quite capture the same feeling, but this is probably my favorite mini-series of all time.

Now playing

If you haven’t already seen it, definitely check out the first song Michael Shannon wrote with his band Jehova’s Suspects (brilliant name!) when he was 15:

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I’m surprised no one has used Tori Amos’ really creepy version of Slayer’s Raining Blood in a serial killer trailer yet (?)

and another pay day for comics writer Greg Rucka is a good thing

I feel really old after watching that video...

I’ve been gaming since the 80s, and played a lot of flight sims back in the day, so I’ve always played with inverted controls for flight. But strangely, inverted controls for FPS etc has always been 100% wrong for me, so those early console FPS that had inverted controls as standard, was buggin’ me the the eff out.


Slipknot are pretty much bigger than ever it seems - in metal terms, I think only Metallica are bigger at the moment. Their latest album debuted at the top of the Billboard 100, and they have their own worldwide festival that (pre-Covid) had most of the major metal acts playing. At this point there’s nothing left of

Very tangentially related to this story: my biggest claim to “fame” is that a music poster I did the photography for, was used for years as set decoration on the US version of “Shameless”. I’ve never watched the show, but apparently one of the kids on the show had a Machine Head poster on the door of his room, and

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I thought the CGI in Red Tails was pretty good (even if the movie wasn’t), and that was 9 years ago, so hopefully this will be great!

Premieres here in Norway tomorrow. I have tickets with a friend of mine for an IMAX-screening in the middle of the day, in the middle of next week, and so far we are the only ones who have bought tickets to that screening. There are fairly strict social distancing guidelines as far as spacing goes - two empty seats

I can’t seem to find an actual review of “The Night Comes for Us” on this site, although I know they at least mentioned it - but that’s one of the most impressive martial arts/action movies I’ve seen in recent years. All the action/fights are really inventive, brilliantly coreographed and very brutal! And it stars

Perhaps this is just a personal bias toward German beer styles, which are some of my favorite, but when you say “I was sure that the German beer-loving people would’ve embraced craft beer brewing, but it was almost impossible to find anything but the traditional German beers,” isn’t that... not the worst thing? It’s

Damn, it actually makes me sad to see Stone disappear from Berlin. I’m not a native (I’m Norwegian), but I visit the city once or twice each year, and since the Marienpark venue opened I’ve been there every time.

Honestly, I don’t really disagree with much (if anything) in IV’s review, yet I still enjoyed this quite a bit. It’s not top-tier Marvel, but it’s still quite entertaining, well paced and looks good. Solid “B” for me. There’s quite a lot of fan service (both comic- and MCU-related), so maybe Marvel devotes will get

How is their show in a festival environment?

Never really thought of them as metal. I find it ... offensive to use the term, for some reason.