I’m going to hope against all probability that those are covers for tie-downs in the wheel arches. That would be really handy for strapping a canoe or kayak on top of the short coupled roof rack.
I’m going to hope against all probability that those are covers for tie-downs in the wheel arches. That would be really handy for strapping a canoe or kayak on top of the short coupled roof rack.
On 3. I assume they’re going to see if they can sell any first
I’m kinda suprised that they don’t offer a plug-in hybrid option (yet)
Agree all around. The optional bigger engine tows more than enough for most ppl and the bed could be useful. I mean not for ppl who populate this forum and seem to move plywood and build homes from scratch every weekend but for normal ppl itll be handy to dump some shit into and drive off.
If nobody on that plane shouted, “There’s a man...on the wing!” then our society is even more hopeless than I feared.
This isn’t the airport, you don’t have to announce your departure.
Wow, how will the commentariat ever survive without your esteemed presence?
Are you lost? This isn’t the Neutral Planet.
He should have just complied.
Sony Driveman. You heard it here first.
Put “I’m with Hillary” bumper stickers on all of them, drive (?? is this even possible) them all to the next Trump rally and leave parked, then collect insurance and buy a couple of decent cars. (except I do genuinely want to love the F150 ... but the rust, man)
Found the bootlick.
Listening? LOL. The Great Wall of Indifference is currently where it’s at in corporate America. Corporations need to be MADE to do what it right. They just are not going to get there on their own.
Yes, but 21st Century Florida Man has no knowledge of that (although his grandpappy has probably recounted the story at least once a year for the last 4 decades). Plus, there’s that coveted Darwin Award at stake.
We go live to the skipper addressing the shipping company!
My work does not need a local outbreak of a virus to shut down, a local outbreak of “that’s a funny looking bird/squirrel/cat demanding attention....”
Neutral : new b-movie idea......
I think these “We’re reopening and damn the virus” approaches are signs of desperation. Like if they had ANY other option at all, they wouldn’t do this, but they’ve looked at the balance sheet, weighed the options, and found they had no choice.