Factual* Statement

“Live Free and as a consequence, Die.”

Could someone with more knowledge explain to me why someone would want a Fiero over the MR2? Styling opinions aside my understanding was the Toyota was the superior car.

Sue someone?

Idea: Comedians on Foot Getting Whisky

Alternative Headline: Toyota 2020 Try Hard With a Venza

None of the LEDs are dead.

Jerry Seinfeld’s lawyer wants a word with you...

We do. Available turbo, a wagon, not-shit quality, comfortable a.f., available awd, no pretense, and polarizing styling. It’s pretty goddamn jalop.

Soylent Green is People. Pass It On.

The trick is to not have a retirement fund...

I am in an interesting position. My 2 person office was basically closed and both of us worked remote, unless someone had to go in to receive a delivery. It’s an IT shop, so considered essential, but other than handling the odd hardware delivery, most of our work can be done remotely, and since our HQ is officially in

I have never before used this quote as often as I have in the last few months.

Neutral: I work for a very large global IT and cybersecurity company, and we’re still pretty busy, between companies adjusting their infrastructures to their newly-distributed workforces, and all the hackers trying to take advantage of same.

Because people are stupid.

Now playing

I am choosing to picture 5th Gear this way:

At this point I fully expect Google’s AI to become sentient within the next few months.

i still dont understand why people think this is a light switch and bam everyone back to work living a great life. settle in, summer about to be long with lots of disappointments haha 

Neutral: Settle in, because we’re going to be home for a while.