Factual* Statement

Drivers: Spiders in my car? Kill it with fire!

I sense a great disturbance in the workforce. As if thousands of middle managers cried out because their employees are getting a small taste of autonomy.

You have chosen...poorly. That sippy cup is not the cup of a carpenter.

Well, the front fell off.

I doubt any of us have seen an invisible driver at all.

I must regretfully inform you that there is a Donald Trump Jr.

so you should download and install the patch if it’s available for you via the standard Android system update process

When you step on Lego space station, everyone can hear you scream.

Because if you see this, it means some serious shit is about to go down.

I believe VW calls that Fahrtzvergnügen.

Meanwhile, someone who quits their job because they don’t want to be an accessory to unethical behavior can’t even collect unemployment.

When there's nothing left to believe in, believe in hope.

A whole ass city powered by explosive gas?

Building a fleet of lemons is kind of Chrysler's thing.

This isn't an escape, it's a Quest for justice.

Insurance Agent 1: That looks like a tight Fit.

The true believers celebrate Festivaus.

Meanwhile, Jalopnik has reached out to both the AFA and Delta and will update if we hear back.