Factual* Statement

Primary restraint system: Sets you on fire.

It’s been in production for years.

I’m honestly surprised it's not a Mustang on the sidewalk.

With a little hard work and elbow grease, you could have a real piece of crap.

The Volt remains the only GM vehicle I've seriously considered buying. I would throw money at a Colorado with a Voltec powertrain, and I think a lot of other people and businesses would as well.

What if, and bear with me here, companies started paying people under 40 wages high enough to afford the very products they are trying to sell?

I’ve always thought it was cute when my dog tries to get in the front seat. Now I know it's really an attempted carjacking.

There was a second pitcher in the production tent on the grassy knoll.

You know what else is old and rare? Polio.

It’s a Kona blend.

The only winning move is not to play.

It looks like one of the humans from the WALL-E universe.

I just think they're neat.

Something about it is just unsettling. Like flying a kite at night or watching in horror as a child finds Niger on a map and botches the pronunciation.

That moment when your rival from the ad agency across town sees you in the car with a woman who is not your wife.

Meanwhile, 107 mph in a Prius...

Crashing into a retention pond and getting it on with a salamander.

whoop whoop