Distinguished high school science teacher Mark Wahlberg warned us years ago. We should have listened.
Toyota had to ground the Camry a few years ago. They were literally filling parking lots with them.
This will save Audi millions on dealership service shuttles.
Why not all three? Deputy Karen can get you some sweet financing on that crack.
Orange Man Full of Shit
Why stop with cars? I envision a 100% eel powered society by 2035.
The bat posted a status update once it was able to deplane:
Shatner takes whatever Enterprise has ready.
If this is the kind of article it takes to get people to pay attention to him, so be it.
Future Headline: Florida Man Loses Focus in Attempt to Sub One Addiction for Another
Florida decided to franchise out it’s brand of crazy to other states in order to pay for it’s meth and Publix sub addictions.
The key to stress free air travel is to alpaca light.
They must also be charging a fee to use the turn signals and parking assist.
And there’s a road I have to follow, a place I have to go
The speech also works well for frisbees on the roof and cereal boxes on high shelves.
*Yakov Smirnoff Mode On*
There were enough ground up Cheerios in the back seat to make it part of a complete breakfast.