Can’t be that expensive considering it comes from a free willy.
English design ruined, must use French design.
You may also remember it from the Troy McClure film The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.
If we’re making animal comparisons, I consider the Explorer to be more of a dog (specifically a lab). It’s not the smartest vehicle, but it’s always present, always hungry, and eager to do work.
David Tracy has already been arrusted for his crimes.
The Donald Trump School for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Don’t Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too
Those were the good old days. When eastern European gangsters compromising the President was something better left for summer blockbusters.
A restoration shop on the Isle of Wight called Corner Classics
Salad shooters are Trump’s number one fear. One minute you’re cheating on a taxpayer funded golf trip, then BOOM, that grossly oversized suit is covered in shredded romaine.
And the Tacoma will still be using an engine that runs on a mixture of baby seals and children’s tears in 2025 because fuck you that’s why.
It’s okay. That comment was just a draft. The finished product will leave you beam-ing.
They’re interested in leasing a new Quacksqai.
It’s A Small World needs more animatronics and their bones are just the right size.
Shouldn’t this be an upper division elective in the dentistry program?
Planet Earth: Here’s a few extra feet of ocean, forest fires that block out the sun, and total collapse of ecosystems.