Factual* Statement

If we’re actually doing this, we might as well go all in on the pyrotechnics.

Can’t be that expensive considering it comes from a free willy.

Those people should have bought a squirrel.

The surgeon told him not to worry, it’s just a tiny prick.

Donald Trump is president and America’s Wang™ is burning.

I see all of the necessary references have been made.

I’m guessing this was a political statement since the slug's last words were "Slowness Forever!".

English design ruined, must use French design.

You may also remember it from the Troy McClure film The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Professor Horatio Hufnagel.

If we’re making animal comparisons, I consider the Explorer to be more of a dog (specifically a lab). It’s not the smartest vehicle, but it’s always present, always hungry, and eager to do work.

Unchecked climate change pretty much guarantees WWIII sometime this century. However, we may have a tiny chance of avoiding the worst outcomes of climate change if enough people die in WWIII first.

Well, considering us coastal liberal elites have been subsidizing flyover country...

So he's resigning?

This is pure catnip for the opposition party.

There’s only one country diabolical enough to pull this off.

David Tracy has already been arrusted for his crimes.