A Lexus? On the high seas? This can only end one way.
A Lexus? On the high seas? This can only end one way.
The building it resides in isn’t much better.
It was UC Irvine. The sharks got dumped because they refused cosmetic surgery.
The reason cats chase lasers is so that they can aquire the sniper rifle they think it’s attached to.
These new Cosby Mysteries have really taken a dark turn.
Better ask the Axe-tuaries.
Elon: There are three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Elon Musk way.
When you’re a celebrity, they let you grab them by their sweet, sweet can.
What about fines related to flying jars of urine?
We at Nissan want a car with attitude. It’s edgy, it’s “in your face.” You’ve heard the expression, “let’s get busy”? Well, this is a car that gets “biz-zay!” Consistently and thoroughly.
They’re both full of gas, supported by Nazis, and have a habit of crashing and burning in New Jersey.
Report: Water Is Wet
They tried to upgrade him to a full size vehicle at the rental counter, but he was having Nun of it.
While I may disagree with your opinion, I respect the hell out of your choice in vehicles. The Volt is an engineering marvel that deserves way more respect than it gets. I would have chosen it over the Prius had it existed at the time.
Thread synergy achieved.
Some thoughts on the hot hatch comment from a longtime Prius driver:
They were showing The Horse Whisperer.
So what you're saying is that all Mustangs leaving cars and coffee events are driven by bears.
So, what you’re suggesting is that those rocket men must have been high as a kite by then?