It is magnificent in Stove Top stuffing, an easy savory application that can be dangerous if you don’t mind your portion.
It is magnificent in Stove Top stuffing, an easy savory application that can be dangerous if you don’t mind your portion.
It’s pretty easy to tell which personalities are insufferable jerks to those they feel are “beneath” them by observing the revenge exacted by stylists and makeup artists.
Dorian was awesome, not seeing a problem here.
When straight characters express love/sexuality, it’s normal! When gay characters express love/sexuality, it’s pandering!
My aunt “has” Morgellons. I “had” something similar in 2010. I was obsessed with ingrown hairs, to the point that I believed I had almost twice as much hair as I actually had, but it was ‘trapped’ under the skin of my scalp and therefore I had to free it with my fingernails. I waxed all the skin off my chin because I…
You hate to judge a man based on his appearance and his past transgressions, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see this coming. The tattoos. The hard-living lifestyle. The insistence that he was “on the outside” and that everyone was “ugly” like him. I just hope the rest of the guys in Staind can keep the fire…
Everything you feel is in your head. Everything physical is still just in your head.
I bet the Germans or Finns have a word for that feeling when you really wish you had known about a thing before you picked your major/thesis subject/etc.
But it often is physical in a sense. If you were to do an MRI on these people’s brain, you can see that they’re experiencing pain. It seems real because it is real.
This is probably the fourth-most-pedantic thing I’ve ever read on the Internet.
As a boomer myself [I'm 60], I'm not here to rail against your generalization of my generation being assholes. I will point out that when I was younger, I ran into the same thing with the old men of the generations ahead of me. I don't think this is a specific generation thing; I think this is more of an entitled old…
I cannot even begin to imagine a universe in which I would care about any of this. Someone wrote a long hyperbolic ranty post about how they hate Pinkham's long hyperbolic ranty posts and this is supposed to constitute some sort of Event that necessitates a response?
I never understood spouses who sit there while their SO treats people like this. If my wife ever treated someone with disrespect I'd throw down a tip and let her know I was leaving and if she wanted a ride home she'd better join me. I also know that if I were to ever be the jerk, that she'd do the exact same thing…
Friday my bf and I went to Chipotle. He always asks for extra cheese, and is similarly disappointed. Well this time the girl behind the counter took both hands, grabbed massive amounts of cheese and dumped it on the burrito. Twice. I guess I looked surprised when she did it because she said "The man asked for extra…
Don't care. Buh bye.
Why not literally heat the outdoors? Millions of grandmothers would like a word with you.
Erm. . .but they are not the same drink, because a Cappuccino includes foam, not just steamed milk like a latte. Which is why you can't ice it, because you have to heat the milk to foam it. Why do you think there are different words for them if they're the same thing?
Okay, judgement call here: you're a bad person. You are bad at being people. Grasshopper fine, but human, nah.
Always a highlight truther.
"it would mean that all alien civilizations would have to find space too big to bother with, or that interstellar space travel is technologically unfeasible. Neither is likely true."