
But, I thought white people discussing their own white privilege was really good progress. How many times have white people ignored the fact that white privilege even exists? Why is it a bad thing that white people are finally willing to not only acknowledge white privilege, but discuss it with real world examples?

Making a blanket statement about ignorance of half an continent doesn't make you sound very open-minded. Specially when you really went out of your way on this article to point this out.
I'm not saying sexisem doesn't exist. It does. I said there are feminists. Like the person who notified Jezebel, I'm sure she's at


I'm kind of disappointed to see people blaming this on "Eastern European" culture, as if these things don't happen all over the world. Beauty pageants, including "talent" shows, are common all across the US, Europe, Asia, and other places. It's kind of like how whenever there's an article about something strange in

Well, here's something to think about: the idea of "let's bring women up to the level that men are at in society so that we're all equal" is itself a flawed idea.

The "real men" argument is nothing but an extended "No True Scotsman." Time to accept that the men who rape are as real as it gets. Real men rape. Stop it with the glorification of manhood, as if a true man could never do this. There's no need for it. The facts show it: real men rape.

My uncle worked at our local pool as a lifeguard, and I was there swimming with him and my parents one day, and he was being an asshole and pushing me under the water. I felt like I was drowning, and when i finally surfaced I called 'Help!' and the life guard on duty came over, saw it was me and my uncle, and gave

Um, actually it's not about his penis. It's about ethics in journalism.


I'm confused...first you commented that she needs to follow the advice of medical experts. Then when it's pointed out that she IS following the advice of medical experts, you go "Well it doesn't matter politicians said this."

If we could capture the cumulative energy of all the scared suburbanite buttholes that are being squeezed out of fear because of this, we could solve the US's energy problems in a day.

Lets put everyone from Portland, Oregon under quarantine because someone from Portland, Maine coughed.

No, the "commentariat" is confused as to why a woman who doesn't want to be treated like an object went to such great lengths to present herself as one. If she didn't want to be looked at in such a manner she shouldn't have presented herself as such, or at the minimum been more clear in her intentions. She also maybe

Jezebel is the real "mean girl" here, picking apart and criticizing women like Korina (and celebrities like Anna Hathaway) for clicks. Shame on you.

While it's admirable to defend a friend, she's also a willing contestant on a show that many a "big website" is been covering for 12 previous seasons. This is Jezebel's take on it, last week Tom & Lorenzo's opinion was that the producers were manipulating the outcome to reflect the Tim Gunn Save and Korina had cause

Jezebel has a history of picking apart women they don't like. It's pretty nasty and backstab-y on here, and it sucks. It's easy to assume things about someone from 100s of hours of footage edited down to a few. All I'm saying is know that the reality often looks nothing like the TV show.

There is some truth to your statement. However, if one does not wish to be judged perhaps one should not behave in said manner in public.

Nope. Both are legitimate forms for pushups, though a quick Google image search shows that he was wrong according to Army standards anyway. What she did is switch from tricep (narrow) to pectoral (wide) pushups and back. Anybody who actually competes in pushup contests knows to do this. Also, for the last third to

Sorry, but there are plenty of pictures of naked people that were uploaded to the internet with their consent, and I'm content to look at them. And, yes, I would definitely be calling any of my fellow female-identified peers that they're fucking perverts for looking at stolen nude pictures of a person, regardless of