
Well your opinion is...just that your opinion. I on the other hand adore the Try Guys and get what they are doing and appreciate it. Also are you kidding me with the whole they only do things women do? Bull fucking shit you picked those out to prove your point. The changing diapers one on particular was part of a four

The try guys aren’t about gay panic, they are about painting gay panic as completely ridiculous. They are about showing people that, just because you are easily freaked out about such a simple thing, that doesn’t mean there is anything actually wrong with it. The try guys almost always realize that there isn’t

Your general point here is good, but seriously what is up with the aggressive ‘refuse to learn our language’ rhetoric? Many people just haven’t learned the language yet or are simply only going to be in Germany for a short time or perhaps like me when it comes to Danish, the more they learn the more appalled they

I don’t want you to think I’m dismissing your opinion on this particular story, and your feelings toward whiteness and privilege, but what do you mean by “shrug?” The list of her work and the number of these successful cases is pretty impressive. I’m saying that as a lawyer who understands how much work and how long

Who killed the world?

I’ll probably get eaten alive for this here (and full disclosure, I haven’t read the books and I don’t care how this storyline plays out there since books =\= show) but I’ll just come out and say it: it REALLY bothers me that this site continues to recap this show. I feel like Jezebel has been a leading media voice in

Not everything that is subjective is worthy of respect as “empowering.” Plus, this is humiliation play. It works because they know that the general opinion is that this shit is humiliating. They are counting on the existence of an objective (socially agreed on) fact to get their rocks off. Gross.

First, I kind of wanted to address the idea that it might not be sexual. I’m a kinkster, and I can only speak to my own experience. But the whole idea of a “fetish” is that it’s a pretty non-sexual thing that, for whatever reason, becomes sexual for those involved in it. Even if it isn’t explicit, it’s still sexual to

I’ve been active in the BDSM scene for more than 10 years, and while I wholeheartedly approve of petplay and such, there is no way to solicit consent from passersby and therefore it’s inappropriate. Whether you practice RACK (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink) or SSC (Safe-Sane-Consensual), consent is absolutely necessary.

So the Koreas are back together now, right? All they needed was a gang of people with two X chromosomes, preferably led by a pretentious, out-dated white woman, to put their feet down and say “Enough!”. God, the arrogance dripping from this event is making me gag.

Well I am Brit and I think france is fucking brilliant and would happily send them Jeremy Clarkson to sacrifice to one of their many Gods - for example, the god of hypermarkets or the god of understated chic clothing choices. :)

No they aren’t. They are maybe hundreds of miles away from each other. The EU safety directives on anything are maddeningly over cautious on anything from food production to parking so this whole thread makes me laugh. Though I am in the EU personally and I am sure things must look very dire from faraway.

well to be fair they’ll spin anything, but that shouldn’t prevent people from trying to raise awareness and push for change IMO

Yeah, no. North Korea is one of those problems that has to solve itself.

You are missing what I said entirely. She says they made a big accomplishment with this. They didn’t. I’m saying that is a statement that seems to be endemic of the “white feminist” narrative right now that is getting a lot of criticism because it’s so do-nothing. Do not try to make this into something I didn’t say.

I mean, I get the sense that Steinem’s trying to remain relevant, instead of using her status to boost the voices of those unheard.

This stunt looks like *We’re here to tell you that both sides are guilty. Let’s all come together, hug it out and sing Kumbaya*.

If it wasn’t political, then why even bother doing it? At least own up to your political aims, even if they’re ridiculous or overly simplistic.

I mean, Eldritch makes some excellent points, as I don’t see how it’s HELPING anyone besides themselves, but it also isn’t in praise of Un, either.

““I met women who’ve never met an American before in their lives and they had such terrible ideas about us and we became close friends. We were all crying when we left this morning saying goodbye.” — these women clearly have no experience of how a totalitarian system of the NK kind works. Every SINGLE North Korean