
Considering women and black people were not considered citizens/humans when the Constitution was written, literally, the Rights in the Constitution were for white dudes.

Remember that Boob Song that Seth MacFarlane sang at the Oscars that everyone thought was just so funny and Jennifer Lawrence gave a victory fist pump that nobody saw her boobs yet? Yeah, this is way we didn't think that shit was funny.

Up until this point it isn't, but it does essentially become one. I would characterize the novel (I've only read most of the first one, so I can't comment on further novels) to genre hop- it goes back and forth from being a fairly disturbing historical fiction novel to being a fairly disturbing romance novel.

Alright, so I have to get it out there. I know as an audience member I'm supposed to be all "Claire and Jamie 4eva!!" but I just can't. Frank seems like such a good fit for Claire. I love Frank, and even though I know it won't happen, I want her to go home to him.

Yeezus, did they write this while attending the Christian Grey School of Contracts.

The bright-eyed ingenue is what's popular now. Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence have it. Kristen Stewart doesn't have it and isn't trying to have it and doesn't care if you don't like that she doesn't have it. She would have fit in better with the anti-heroes of the 1970s than she does today.

It's somewhat horrifying that we have more protections to keep 9 year olds from reading erotica than we have for them shooting an Uzi.

Well, Claire used "beat" and "assault" herself, and I'm not really sure how else to interpret her stuggling, him holding her down, and her then telling him no, stop, you're hurting me when they're having sex and having him ignore her other than to call it rape. And then she tries to say no again the next morning and

It's sugar-coating history to have your hero not rape or beat his wife?


So, I'm actually reading the book, and I'm halfway through (it's like 550 pages plus 300 pages of who the fuck knows) and... I completely hate the book. I mean, it started as a slow stewing hate because the plot was going nowhere and it kept putting me to sleep. The character development sucked, the main

" old gypsy woman", lets not use an oppressed ethnic group as a magical person who can give powers to people, honestly that story line sounds like a racist mess (take it from someone who is an actual "gypsy" and we prefer to be called Romani).

1. Get rid of your shitty artwork

(updated) I'm gonna go ahead and say this may not have been okay for them to do. Look, it's good they caught him, but it matters how they found the photos.

This does not necessarily mean that a guy who works for google is sitting down, reading through all your shit, btw. They might have a string of words that an automated program looks for, and if it sets off a flag, they'll read it.

Yes, please do. Seriously, list five people who are in prison because they sent someone a dick pic. Since it's apparently such a common phenomenon, I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding examples.

Ben Affleck fits Nick's description in the book perfectly. Such a punchable face.

Same as me: Kiwi who was 2 when the accident happened. I wouldn't have known that one. On the other hand, as someone who is part of the Commonwealth I knew that a lot of people in the UK (particularly mining areas like the NE as well as Scotland) hated Thatcher, whereas a lot of Millennial (and even non-Millennial)

That pic would almost certainly be labelled Challenger disaster

I'm not quite as sure that Actual Living Cosplay Hijab Cap would be as well received... just not real optimistic about 'Murica this afternoon...

I think something like this would be perfect: