
Are they equally quarantining videos with people saying really racist stuff about white people? Or does Google’s bias prevent them from acknowledging that white people are human beings that deserve the same protections as all other minorities?

Are the only extremist videos on YouTube far right wing? Are the equally gigantic assholes on the far left exempt from your searches?

I love the racism you enthusiastically express.
Obama was invited many times by Bill O’Rielly, but he was to chicken shit to appear.

I had to block my mother because she would comment on EVERYTHING. I mean anything and everything that I posted or commented on. If I complimented a friend’s picture or post, she would reply to my comment “that is very nice of you to say”. It was super obnoxious and, when I tried to talk to her about it, she got huffy.

How can you write Fast and Furious X when the title is so obviously going to be Fur10us?

Weeeeellll, I mean the “we’re doomed because Hillary didn’t win” mindset. Actually, I think we’re better off without her. Remember that when you’re able to pay your student loans, peeps. 🐣

Oh! Extra request.

Seriously, I’m hoping by June people are going to give up this “we’re doomed” mindset.