
“cynically engineered perception that the network is too liberal”? ESPN’s public editor literally admitted today that the company has a liberal bias. Lol.

Trump is a racist. No doubt about it.

I really want to like this policy. But I (like others have stated) fear that it will only be used to censor far right-wing content. Extreme Leftist-leaning content will be untouched. How is something considered to be extreme, anyway? This will eventually be taken further. I guarantee it.

“AS the original 3D printer, she has the right to cancel the printing.”

“Terrifying.” When much of the rhetoric around abortion is based on “viability” of lack thereof, I can say that yes, it would be terrifying to those who would be forced to deal with the ethical dilemma of aborting a child that can be viable through this new technology.

I couldn’t disagree more. It’s funny how adamant you are about them being terrible. I am just as adamant about them being good. Sorry you didn’t like them.

I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to sink to ignorance lower than Trump did when he posted the stupid gif. Then CNN went on their absurd witch hunt.

First of all, I agree with much of what you say. That being said, there is a lot of political correctness is absurd. I’ve become used to being told to feel guilty for simply being a white man.

This is the best Gizmodo article I’ve ever read. Liberal insanity has finally reached a tipping point. This is your jump-the-shark moment. Ha.

“Attack women?” Oh, that rhetoric the left always uses to defend baby-killing. Forgot what it meant for a second there.

I knew someone would bring up conservatives’ views! I called it. Wasn’t sure if it would be in the article or the comments, but I knew there’d be some subtle or not-so-subtle jab at pro-life views. Thanks for proving me right yet again!

What amazes me about liberals is how hateful they are. All I ever see is how people are “good” and how liberals are supposedly tolerant, kind, good human beings. I’ve never met a tolerant liberal. Ever. They are narrow-minded, spiteful, and downright rude to people they disagree with.

A lot of people that are sick don’t know they’re sick. Most libs responding to this will deny it. It’s true though.

Ha, the fact that you’re so riled up about it means he succeeded.

Sigh. A sitting president is mocked with an absolutely horrifying image, which I would consider a threat, all in the name of some hack’s “comic art,” and his typo is what you rant about. Typical left. Nothing surprises me anymore.

With all the anti-police rhetoric, no wonder a crazy vigilante wants to kill cops. I genuinely feel sorry for folks who go into the law enforcement field. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. The good seeds far outweigh the bad seeds. But we don’t talk about them.

I can’t believe it... Giz reports on a human being’s tragic loss without bringing politics into it. You’ve spent months dogging Uber, and I expected a snide remark near the end. Well done.

The electoral college did literally the job it was supposed to do. I’m sorry you don’t understand how the process works.

Most liberals don’t take the time to understand the concern of conservatives about abortion. I’m not trying to rule over a woman’s body. I feel it’s a human rights issue. Since I believe a fetus is a person, I believe he/she has a right to live. I know that destroys the narrative of the “evil conservative trying to

Can I assume you’re trying to be funny? What an insulting thing to say. These seem like decent, normal people. Typical liberal. You’d rather make generalizations and insult people rather than get to the heart of why someone might vote for a candidate you didn’t prefer. That would require empathy and human decency.