
I am so sick of Prequel jabs. If you’re not a prequel fan, you’re not a Star Wars fan. There. I said it. I’ve thought it for many years, but it’s time. The ignorance of people constantly hurling prequel insults has finally taken its toll. If you don’t like the prequels, then you don’t appreciate the saga as it has

LOL, looking at these comments... you liberals are all such tolerant, understanding people. I knew as soon as I read this the comments section would be one curse-fest after another. I hate being right all the time. I’m not a flat earther, but the way human beings are treated for having different opinions is different.

Great post. You attended something conservative just to troll-post about it. Hey everyone, remember when Gizmodo wrote about gadgets and tech?

Evil? Wow. The only truly evil folks I know are all liberals. Hate to reign on your post and disagree with it, but I had to.

This is great. This is Gizmodo’s jump-the-shark moment. While I recognize the tongue-in-cheek nature of the post, this is officially the post. Over the years I have witnessed my favorite gadget-tech site de-evolve into a blatantly-biased arm of the Left, and this officially signals it. I will bookmark this page on my

You’re going to get the man re-elected. I don’t like him either, but my goodness, the whining has to stop. This used to be a reputable tech site. Now it’s whining. Many people like my father were fed up with constantly being called names and insulted. They were tired of their belief systems mocked and derided. So

My father voted for Trump. While I didn’t, he did and is none of the awful things you mentioned. You don’t know him, so I’ll chalk it up to ignorance. That’s what happens when one makes overarching, asinine general statements like this. One ends up showing how little he or she really knows. It also reveals your anger

Because Gizmodo has become an openly-biased Liberal shill with no tolerance for the right. It has used hatred for Trump as an excuse to lay down full-on hate for conservatives.

As a conservative, not trying to troll..I mean this also

Because... mostly muslims are terrorists?

Anxiously awaiting this post: “Anti-Trump protesters vandalize and damage DC businesses and automobiles on Inauguration Day.” Then, I am awaiting the content of this article, in which the author will state, “This is not the way to peacefully protest. We as Americans must respect the method of democracy and, if we wish

Typical leftist belief that the government is to be the one to train and teach children right from wrong. They would be YOUR children. YOU are responsible for them.

I second this guy’s feelings. Please don’t breed, Ernekid.

I didn’t vote for Trump, but PLEASE stop with the popular vote thing. Please. She only won because of California and New York. This is literally why the Electoral College exists... to prevent a few populous extremely-left or extremely-right states from deciding the election.

I’m not even going to touch your comment

You are clearly very naive.

This is literally true. I have loved Gizmodo for years for tech-related info. Now I just come to watch the train wreck: an openly-biased media outlet that doesn’t even try to hide it. I can’t stop visiting though. It’s so absurd that I laugh every time I read an article.

I grew up watching the VHS tapes of the trilogy. As a 14-year-old in 1997, I was excited to experience the Special Editions.

The movies were good, and so are these posters. Leave it to the comments section to dog the prequels. If you don’t like the prequels, you don’t understand the Star Wars saga. Yep, I just said it. Flame, disagree if you want. Don’t care. I’m sorry they aren’t what you wanted in your head. I honestly can’t even discuss

This is absurd. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about and are clearly not a Star Wars fan. Go troll somewhere else.

I have to agree with OMG!PONIES! I felt Gambon more closely resembled the Dumbledore of the books. I enjoyed his performance much more than Harris.