
How is both the best and the worst thing I’ve seen in a very long time?

It was exactly what you thought it was. 

Now playing

Agreed. Instead, we should focus on the fact that this man once encouraged a little less conversation, and a little more action:

Nice to see he’s acknowledging the most recent time his life got flipped-turned upside-down.

The “Inhumans” on SHIELD were just some other characters with that label on them.

It does, however, qualify as a sandwich. 

Is John Wesley Shipp doing anything?

And not worth a single penny of that. 

“Angry Barsanti Articles” seems redundant. Can probably just say Barsanti Articles.

If we start getting a bunch of Angry Barsanti Articles aimed at Jeopardy I'm blaming you. 

I suspect police reports will say “him/he.”

I wouldn’t want to be Thor for that long. Would definitely see a doctor to take care of the pain.

And the complainant? This guy (sock)

Correct. In the the rematch, Flay tossed the cutting board off the table and THEN stood on the table. Morimoto was once again not amused. 

I’ve had Bell’s Palsy three times. Only one was serious, but I can tell you, having half your face frozen for an extended period is scary as hell. 

In: writing bad articles about other articles.

Well, the Mouse once got away with having Don Cheadle as the voice of Donald Duck, so... maybe it could've worked?

because people keep claiming that Morbius 2 will feature our man Mike declaring “It’s Morbin’ time.” (He will not. He must not.)

I think it's just a really expensive POG. That you don't have physical ownership of. 

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