I would be excited for Monica to lead the next wave of heroes.
I would be excited for Monica to lead the next wave of heroes.
The only problem I see with this idea is that Cheers, Frazier and many of the NBC sitcoms weren’t based around a young family.
Such forking good shirt.
I guess I would’ve been disappointed if a movie subtitled “Ragnarok” didn't sweep a lot off the table.
The most comic book thing would’ve been to do all that, then wrap the episode in a polybagged lenticular 3D chromium and call it Episode #0.
Ryan appears to enjoy repurposing vintage Canucks jerseys into blouses?
I’m in agreement. No body, not officially dead.
Daniel Bryan.
Question: Is Francis Ford Coppola the Bruce Lee analogue here?
As people? Probably.
I’d settle for two less songs - Wonderful Christmastime and Christmas Shoes.
This is the issue with Christmas stations - you get the same songs on an endless hourly loop for 2 months, and it gets annoying rather quickly. I don’t care how much you love a song - it will turn to hate in the end.
We love to have hot pot at home. Still some prep involved wrt veg, but everyone can cook what they want, and there’s usually enough stuff for a couple of days.
I wouldn’t call treading in the same genre (sub genre?) a ripoff (the general premises were different, after all) but I get what you’re saying here - if Lost didn’t happen, we wouldn’t have had Heroes.
In fairness, Lin DOES have an NBA title on his CV. If that doesn’t put him on the level of Jordan and James, what will?
Guess I'm in the minority here, because the tiny horse sketch did nothing for me. I guess they were going for something Mr. Bill-like?
What if he got vaccinated while at the pub?
Still sounds better than the Snyder Cut, so there's that
Show of hands if you guessed who wrote this without reading the byline.
I was expecting steak, well done, with ketchup.