Kevin Wong

Which reminds me - a belated congratulations to Emmanuel Macron…

I could use more Jian-Yang, but I could use much less of abusive Erlich, so it's a wash for me.

Yay? I guess I'm not enough of an audiophile to care about whether my music is in mp3, AAC or FLAC. I just care that it plays on my phone or in my car.

No, you are not. However, I do get that feeling when I eat whatever Papa John's passes off as "pizza".

I would've said it's second to Dinesh and Gilfoyle, but I think a case can be made here.

I'm sure that Tai will be very calm and rational about getting votes cast against him…

His alliance seemingly turned on him. I'd panic too.

And it will be always too hot, never too cold.

NBC sort of did this with The Good Place and whatever the hell took over their slot (Powerless?)

To be fair, they were overcompensating for having the worst villain last season.

What, "because time travel" isn't a valid reason?

Probably because it would validate our use of it on the interweb.

They had to return the emo wig to Arrow at the end of last episode.

Maybe he needs a pep talk from his Real Life mother-in-law.

My first thought was that he got a new big-ass tattoo, and is covering it up for a few weeks. But I think he's had this general look since Mania, so it can't be that.

"Or that it's meant to sound strangely foreign (he used to wrestle under a mask as El Generico, so it could just be one big joke)."

"Also, where the hell do you get a Y2AJ shirt right now?!"

Mero's TKO always looked nasty, from what I remember.

I watched it again, and I was incorrect, as Tye rotates Aiden behind him, not in front. So it's more like a TKO onto a knee:…

Usually finisher > transition move, but given that AJ is a Top Guy, it makes sense I guess.