Kevin Wong

Well, if you think of the original as an AA onto a knee, this is an F5 onto a knee.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing Summer Rae as their manager, but they're ostensibly faces now, so I don't think that would work.

Don't forget that he also added Ronnie to The List. What kind of face would do that?

At the same time, I am happy for the return of The Artiste.

The comic timing between the two is very good.

Earth-1 Zolomon?

The jury has almost always sided with the person with the better social game, I think.

It's probably better in the long run. The top rope leg drop was nice but could cause hip issues later on in life.

Just like the Eclipse, that joke took a little while to set up, but was worth it.

Le-chin of Doom
Can-Am Connect-chin
Chin Towers
Women on a Mis-chin

Ok I thought the assistant was going to be Frank Stallone. But this is better.

Yeah, I guess it was for the greater good.

Well, he's on Smackdown, and apparently paired up with Ziggler, so… maybe?

If that happened I'd expect Bayley to turn on Sting. Or Ric to seemingly side with Bayley, then turn on Sting.

Apparently Stevie Ray is the better colour commentator of the two. Who would've guessed?

I think so.

Dana could use a bit of seasoning in NXT. To be honest they should have sent her back down when Emma was injured instead of letting her regress as Charlotte's lackey.

Look, Kalisto is half the height of Foley or Funk, so using Steiner math it equates to about a 100 foot drop.

I miss Generico. Sad that he retired.

I'm all for Hawkins getting killed every other week or so. Every week seems a bit much.