Kevin Wong

It's to show that she isn't entirely crazy. She's crazy *and* fun!

Ranking seasons is always subjective, but it certainly felt like it was one of the most straightforward seasons ever. Kim's win seemed inevitable around the halfway point.

One disadvantage back-to-back players have is that they don't really have the time to digest and see where they made mistakes. It feels like players who have had some time away are better able to make adjustments their next go-around.

"No one could beat him in a final tribal if he made it there."

She can hang out with Roy Harper.

You want him to be a villain? Just have the guy endorse his cousin Roman Reigns ad nauseum. That ought to do it.

There is plenty of game left for Tai to self-sabotage himself.

Technically speaking, they did not cast votes. It was basically Probst saying "Varner's going home. You guys good with that?"

I don't know that one can.

Too much in shock to do anything, really.

I would prefer that Enzo just goes away for a while, to be honest. His schtick has been annoying for a good while at this point.

Dude, it was a red Swingline stapler. And Roman never returned it.

Forget Curt Hawkins. That would have been the Steal of the Shakeup.

I'm happy that Corey still despises the Drifter. This was a pairing that simply had to happen.

I cant believe it actually happened. I saw it, still can't believe it. But it was a fitting episode for Sandra to go out on.

Maybe he'll get his mother in law Vickie as a manager.


I hear you. I enjoy watching it, but honestly it gets boring after a while.

He should have stayed in Ring of Honor…