Kevin Wong

Your WCS is an indictment of how poorly they've handled Gallows and Anderson more than anything. If they use heel or even tweener AJ then you can probably elevate these guys back up. Otherwise they're fodder for AJ and Balor to squash.

Because the blowoff has to be a Title on a Forklift on a Pole outside of a Steel Cage match.

I fear that Raw will have no idea what to do with Miss Bliss.

I'm assuming the concern is where he will slot in among the top faces and/or heels, and how the writing team will treat him. Because I have those concerns as well.

If they do the rumoured AJ-for-Roman trade, it's probably closer to the latter than the former. Although I have confidence that the James/Ward-led team can pull it off.

A bit unfair. Wally and Jessie both tried to take down Savitar on their own. That qualifies as idiotic decisions, even if they don't even come close to what Barry's done. It's just that Barry's such an overachiever, constantly trying to raise the bar on how idiotic a decision one can make.

Yeah, I kind of do. But it's not as if they'd ever use that in a storyline in the comics, right?

Isn't making idiotic decisions one of the powers you get from the Speed Force?

So I suppose in the Framework, Captain America is an agent of Hydra?

Which can't be anything but good news for Gallows and Anderson.

I'd rather Nakamura be on Raw, if only so that Cory can yell "Kinshasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

I honestly think that Cole could be that "good guy audience surrogate" if not for the fact that he's got Vince shouting in his ear.

My question was whether it was truly a direction or whether it was something creative came up with knowing that the Smarkamania crowd would undoubtedly be anti-Roman.

Was anyone else hoping for Edge and Christian to show up for old times sake?

I have, and yes it does separate. My presumption has always been that this it because it's an emulsion.

Yes we would. But we'd say "sorry" after we did it.

The Exile Island twist can't be more than a one time thing I think. They've got 15 people so probably:

At this point it almost seems futile to speculate as to how far Sandra will go. She's been to TC four times, and should have gone "home" four times, but she constantly finds ways to avoid elimination. It's so impressive.

Actually, Lil won final immunity - Sandra lasted approximately 0.0001 seconds in the endurance challenge.