Kevin Wong

Be Cool was quite bad.

LU, at times, has been both better and worse than WWE's product. The important part, for me as a more casual watcher of LU, is that they try to be different. Unlike, say, Impact.

Last week of coverage? What's next - AV Club gets Kinja?

Thank you for using "aboat" instead of "aboot".

I thought Robert Knepper aka T-Bag from Prison Break is/was Clock King?

Tough job, being paid to spend extra time in Hawaii. Apart from being paid less than Scott Caan, that is.

Zack Snyder's version would've been pretty dark, I hear.

Judging from his NXT 2.0 run, Hero may have eaten one of the orphans.

Partial credit to JBL for helping kill American Alpha's charm.

While this amused me, calling Sinbad a beloved star is a bit of a stretch, no?

Youse spell good.

I was gonna say Randall Park.

As one should. The heart punch is a shitty finisher.

I think they really need to have Mike wrestle a couple of matches to get across whatever heel personna they had in mind.

This week's SDL was probably the worst for that, but with the battle royal this week I don't know if that makes it an outlier. Nonetheless, I think that all the men save for Shane got some face time, and the only women who didn't show up were Becky, Charlotte and Nattie. Kind of nuts considering it's a 2-hour show.

Hopefully. Use them to replenish NXT and call up Asuka and Nikki Cross.

He and Renee have great chemistry..

Some thoughts:
- Given that it WAS July 4, I was fine with the Cena/Rusev jingoistic thing. If you're going to do a patriotic promo, that's probably the best day to do it.

Maybe he just likes the bromance between Tyler and Fandango.

That's "Breez" to you.