Kevin Wong

A little unfair as I do think he could win again, but he's a one-tool player and needs a compatible partner to help him correct the mental gaffes he makes when left to his own devices. Tocantins gave him Stephen, another one-tool player, and together they made a great power couple.


It is true - you can argue that she won "by default" both times BUT you still have to get yourself to FTC and show that people have no choice but to not vote for the other guys.

I think that for Varner, winning would be nice, but being a shit disturber is his primary goal this season (as it was on Second Chance, if we're being honest).

Which, in all fairness, does make the decision to not play the idol easier.

It's called "Jeff Probst Changes Rules How He Wants, When He Wants"

If you're not going with Team Arrow, you could always go with The Outsiders.

She really is. But we already knew that.

Per Malcom on RHAP, Aubry and Sandra are apparently at odds.

No Fishy to consult with.

I have to believe that Debbie's gone "Specialist" on everyone and is method acting.

Well, yeah. Consider that Boston Rob managed to deflect the entire season, and he's an obvious threat. Those newbies would have stood zero chance against Sandra.

But it made it awesome for everyone else.

Because the only two time winner in Survivor history is apparently not a threat to win again.

Pretty much guarantees Asuka won't be showing up to kill everyone, I think.

Hopefully they bring back the carts to carry wrestlers to the ring.

On the other hand, there's a special performance by Pitbull, Guess they had to work a pee break in there somewhere.

"The GOAT Charlotte is doing everything she can to elevate the segment, but the absence of a feud leaves her hanging."


Not the worst I've ever seen. I think half the people on FvF2 called Reynold "Reynolds".