Kevin Wong

I'd actually be fine with this as a Mania match, and even as the next Mania main event.

"Aren't Enzo and Cass already unbearable?"

Not sure what you're talking about - Sandra has always been a villain. It's just that in her seasons, there have been more, um, villainous villains, like Fairplay and Russell. Her play has been pretty much the same over the 2+ seasons - if she's not on the chopping block, she really DGAF.

I figured that was going to be the resolution.

Vote her out at the third opportunity, you mean.

I upvoted, then took it away just so I could upvote again.

JBL apparently told them to lose the goofiness. And I'm perfectly fine with AA being wrestling machines.

Graves, JBL and Rosenberg actually played very well off of one another on BittT.

Shane wrestling is like a M. Night Shyamalan movie - you're there really to see one thing, and everything else in the match is kind of secondary to that.

I love watching Angle, but I don't think he should wrestle again. Kind of wish they would go inter-brand and have him wrestle Balor or Rollins.

Because it's just Randy being Randy?

Yeah they're usually on point. Sometimes even glorious.

That… that is actually believable.

Dude, Colin would crumble the first time someone called for a Hoedown…

Not unprecedented - on Panama they did a reshuffle after 1 TC, and Cook Islands after 2 TCs.

I think she's always been this arrogant, but she's kept it to confessionals until hitting the endgame. This time around, my perception is that she sees that there's a target on her back - and rightly so, since there's exactly one two-time winner playing - so she's turned it up to eleven pretty quickly.

Well, find us a qualified reality tv star then.

Given that Sandra's alliances are, shall we say, fluid, there's a chance that the alliance could come back.

They are working because Jeff Probst says they are. It's just like when 45 says that something is a disaster - he said it, so it must be so.

And Debbie would see through the bullshit, because I'm sure that at some point, she worked as a polygraph expert.