Kevin Wong

Jeff hyping a season is usually code for "a guy won", isn't it?

Yeah I think his tribe throws the first challenge and boots him just because.

To be fair, she is playing with house money at this point so she might as well see how far she can push things before people actually vote her out.

Not that hard. Eric Watts did a better STF than Cena.

She only got kicked out once. There has only been one instance where a finalist was told to pack their knives and go, and that was Tiffany. So while Brooke lost the Top Chef Seattle finale, she was not "kicked off", technically.

I would actually say that Shirley got a very slight win for the third but like I said I don't think dessert gets an equal weight in ratings. So you're still left with Brooke 2, Shirley 1.5.

I wouldn't call it a conspiracy, but the usual rule of thumb is that "Tie goes to the chef Tom likes more".

He would've been effectively immortal as an EMH if it weren't for those meddling parents.

Pretty much. Do Ollie and Dig have a bromance name? Quiggle?

The only person I can think of that didn't win without rewatching is Danny Smiles.

Hope Shirley wins, but I figure Brooke will win. I believe that of the two, she's Tom's favourite, and that alone would net her the win if there's a deadlock.

The '!' makes all the difference you know…

Like that Bruce Wayne guy.

The only thing I can think of is that we knew this relationship was not meant to last very long.

What's right with Burger King's fries?

I don't mind seeing Brooke win, but I am rooting for either Sheldon or Shirley to pull it off.

I believe the usual MO is to say something to the effect of reality TV isn't really real or something. Although nowadays it seems like you can achieve the same thing by claiming it is "fake news"…

I always thought that Dale was trying to play the heel during his seasons, but he wasn't enough of a dick to really pull it off the entire time?

I think you might be right. Really, just reserve that third seat at judges table for Canadians (sorry, Blais) and we'll be good.

I think I saw him on an informercial as well, peddling some sort of nonstick cookware. Guess that pays well.