Kevin Wong

They were there to distract you from the fact that, again, Graham Elliot was not a judge. Look, I am perfectly fine with Gail, Hugh (who we also needed more of) and Blais in that third chair, but I really expected to see more of Graham this season.

I'm not sure why getting paired with Emily was seen as a negative here. Everything she's done so far on the show has led to this moment, where she could showcase her ability as a perfectly competent sous chef.

So the first one sounds a bit like Reverse-Flash in LoT in that he no longer exists in the main term timeline and is being chased by a wraith trying to wipe him out.

"Flynn is selling American secrets to the Russians!"

Konnor is a terrible promo. You probably shouldn't have to suffer through him talking. In any event, The Ascension didn't really talk a whole lot in NXT, so it was probably to their detriment that they DID talk when they got called up.

Becky's jobbing to Kelly Kelly at wrestlemania

…and it seems like NBC has a blutbad-sized gap in their schedule on Friday nights. One can only hope that they renew and slot the show there.

"why does he insist on putting so many character in those bizarre head condoms that cover everything except for their faces and the top of their hair anyway?"

Loved those and the Ultimate Alliance games as well.

Not a bad thing she's off tv. Worst thing to happen to Dana was Emma getting injured, because playing charlottes lackey just didn't work.

I remember the good old days when that music meant that The Shield was going to kick some ass.

Only room for one Samoan Joe at the top, I guess.

Throw it into Grimm's slot and see how it does.

I do find it weird that they did that for Texas and Seattle and the only person I recall them bringing back was Stephanie. But maybe there is something to this as The Ultimate Fighter does a "qualification" round and doesn't seem to bring back fighters who don't make it in subsequent seasons either.

It's entirely possible.

Another sad thing: Shirley during the QF.

At this point, it's pretty much whomever has the weakest dish goes home unless you have the super secret Colicchio Immunity Idol, so while I'm upset that Sylva's gone, it really did seem like the weakest dish due to his having to pivot on the eggs.

Aren't Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad the big 3?

I suppose the damage could have been pre-split during one of the 10,000 times they've tried to make Roman Reigns happen.

I think JBL and Mauro would be fine as a duo, or as a trio with Phillips (where JBL could adopt Corey's catchphrase, "Shut up, Tom"). But Otunga is such a weak link that I feel like JBL overcompensates and ends up making the presentation worse rather than better.