Kevin Wong

Revival at EC would be great… in part because they'd get buried on Raw. But Revival/AA is almost guaranteed to be an awesome match.

It always felt like too much during brand split 1.0 when they ran two matches. but that's just me.

True. Also, I wonder how she gets along with our current PM…

So that he gets thrown out in 1 minute like a jobber? No thanks - I'll take "beats the hell out of Seth Rollins to close out Raw" over that.

Is that based on real math or Steiner math?

Margot Kidder showing up is inevitable, isn't it?

When hasn't Enzo been a joke?

What if you called it "Real Chefs of Los Angeles?" Would they even notice that the show was nothing like their trash "housewife" shows?

I feel like they should throw Mei in there as well.

Why are you going to complain about a hot pocket when you can go all Guarnaschelli and complain about the lack of salt?

Congee with pork and preserved eggs. I would completely screw up that dish if I tried to make it as it's supposed to be made, never mind trying to elevate it.

Speaking of the beach… how did they not know there was one right there? Calling bullshirt on that.

It's a good point. I wonder if this was actually Padma's thought then, or if this was simply a point the general crowd made and Padma was the mouthpiece for it?

Wait… there were contestants on Just Desserts? I just remember Gail…

It's not surprising, in hindsight. Survivor has had 2 Fans vs Favourites seasons (plus one of "Blood vs Water" which was also half returning players) and each time, a returning player won and it wasn't close. To expect Top Chef to be different was folly on our part. With that said, Sylva and Jim (and arguably, Silvia)

Paul really turned out to be in a class by himself, didn't he? He is, in retrospect, easily the Worst Guy to win (not to be confused with the worst winner).

I was a little concerned about Shirley as well, but I figured that she was safe because when comparing "unable to cut meat with table knife" with "sheet cake", there was no way she was getting booted. Especially since Nick didn't make the sheet cake.

"Is Mike Voltaggio the baddest boy to ever win Top Chef? Or was that Hosea Rosenberg?"

Nice TNG reference there.

Get rid of Gotch, give Aiden English his mother-in-law as a manager.