Kevin Wong

Ed was great on the show.

That really should put her in the negatives.

Why don't Snart and Rory just use their guns?

Houston has an underrated food scene.

I think you've encapsulated what I don't like about wu gok. It isn't bad, but there's something about the taro that just doesn't work.

Just create a separate show with Mauro and Renee. Maybe rehire Kyle Edwards and Jimmy Korderas for it. Might work out well.

That just shows that there's plenty of room to get much, much worse.

Yeah, I don't think Katsuji's spiteful or trying to be "the villain", he's just … kind of a dick.

WRT Emily, she is more than likely talented, but she just seems to be out of her league with this type of long form competition. She isn't the first, and won't be the last.

"Other than Biden, is everyone Obama appointed a dull and fundamentally uninteresting person?"

I don't think these two things need to be mutually exclusive.

It amazes me how much they killed the Ascension. They really shouldn't have been more than the "badass duo beats up others" team that they were in NXT. But with the paint and the shoulder pads they managed to make them into throwback poseurs.

As good as she is, I'm not really sure Becky is up to carrying others to the match that she wants to have. And I get that she probably wants to have the best match every night, but she's not facing Sasha or Charlotte or Bayley.

Trust me, you are better off not knowing who Skip Bayless is.

It's a good question. And manipulation is a good word to use, even though I feel that it might be inferring more shenanigans than what likely happens on the show.

I keep forgetting that those two are related.

That's actually a myth. We pronounce it "aBOAT", not "aBOOT".

Well, he IS Canadian. They probably have to do an edit every time he says "sorry".

Sad Shirley made me sad as well.

Why can't Hugh be on every week? I don't mind Blais, and Graham was my favourite judge on MasterChef, but Hugh is really the best Gail substitute judge they have.