Kevin Wong

- If Tom doesn't like you, he will yank that immunity away without a second thought.
- If you are a returning chef, Tom will do that "you're lucky to have immunity" spiel and leave it at that.
- If you are one of Tom's favourites, he will not only NOT take away your immunity, but he will play his EP card and ensure you

Maybe I just miss seeing Monty Brown do the move.

Every once in a while an announcer will say something to the effect of Foxy being the best female athlete on the roster. And she does do a very nice Northern Lights suplex.

And yet… I would enjoy it if he Pounced jamokes out of their tights every week. Does that seem wrong?

Agreed. Rusev SHOULD be the heel in most feuds. And he should have been a clear-cut heel here, simply because he's a foreigner, he's mocking the open challenge concept, and has a hot wife.

I would love to see Parma and former Top Chef Canada host Lisa Ray have a passive-aggressive frenemy relationship play out on screen.

That would have been awesome.

Katie Lee has the charisma of a rock. Maybe less.

They've traditionally done teams for the mise challenge. The differences here was that they went "all hands on deck" instead of a relay, and the teams are smaller but more groups (like 4 teams of 4).

3) Sami's hockey fights with KO looked like the punches were not being pulled. Maybe he should stick with that then.

I agree that Alexa probably shouldn't have won so soon, but if we are to assume that they wanted Becky to lose and chase for the title, the alternatives are uninspiring.

I kind of like Purrazzo, and wish she popped up in NXT more often.


Actually I don't think the villain edit was too much of a stretch. Hung wasn't exactly going out of his way to be a "good guy" and he seemed to have embraced it judging from his reunion special (remember when they did those?) reactions.

Multiple acting gigs. What a tough life.

"I honestly don't see Merlyn's contribution to the team, anything Merlyn can do Darhk could probably do better."

I completely forgot about Jax when I made that comment. Which pretty much shows how underutilized she's been.

the Drifter, Elias Samson?

I like that the puns are a part of who she is. But I still hate the puns.

The Emma/Dana vs Becky feud could've been good if Emma hadn't gotten injured.