Kevin Wong

The bar was set low with Koko, what's the harm in going a bit lower?

I don't see why he should unless Barry Hardy gets in as well. Sure, you could argue that the man they called Gillberg should go in as a solo, but it just doesn't seem right to do so without his bleached mullet-sporting partner in jobbing.

The Legendary James Ellsworth is a shoo-in for the 2017 WWE Hall of Fame, right?

Wait… they renewed American Grit? I know there's an American Idol-sized hole in Fox's schedule but I'm not sure this kinda boring Survivor -type competition is the answer.

Dijon ketchup!

Does anyone who does steampunk cosplay have any right to call out someone else's cosplay? Is there a protocol in place for these things?

I kind of like it. It fits her character, since it's an Iggy Azelea rip off, and thus is annoying as hell. Kind of like how Carmella has always been.

I think it was a combination of things. There was the injury, obviously. In NXT she would have been doing actual matches and training at the performance center. Plus she was still doing a few fitness competitions. Being on the road, she's probably doing none or almost none of these things. So maybe she's still trying

You wanted to see an original show from CBS? Better luck tomorrow…

I actually felt that she had "it" down in NXT. She picked things up quickly after her less-than spectaular debut. Plus getting to work proper matches alongside Emma and with Bayley and Asuka - surprise surprise - helped her improve.

One thing I noticed is that Cole is actually CALLING the CW matches, and doing a good job at it. Almost like he doesn't have Vince shouting in his ear.

Emma and Dana were a great team. Charlotte and Dana… not so much

Euro Fellas

I don't mind the "wacky tag team partners who hate each other" setup (see: Hell No) but the setup was terrible. After a best of seven where they beat the hell out of each other, maybe the could have set up the team based on grudging respect (but still hate) instead of a Foley edict?

I'm thinking the debate + the MNF shootout will destroy the Raw ratings… and they will somehow pin this on KO.

I would laugh if she turned out to be a Bumgartner-like hitter.

Hopefully they won't show any clips of Second Take, because seeing Skip Bayless shout about stuff may turn viewers off from this show.

I have to listen to Buck Martinez and Pat Tabler almost every game, so Joe actually sounded great in comparison.

The problem is that if you're a knuckleball pitcher, you basically need a personal catcher (Jays fan here).

"It's amazing that they acknowledge they're married but apparently they don't talk about anything. So at the end of the day they're at home and HHH will talk about anything except work."