Kevin Wong

I think everything Roman does makes more sense if you think of him as a heel. Which, for whatever reason, the powers that be do not.

That's THE Team Kendrick, thank you very much.

I'm talking to the Americans out there, as I live in Toronto.

In return, we ask you to please keep Bieber. We don't want him back.

One of the flaws for me was Mauro being, well, too Mauro. Bryan isn't the right guy to reign him in.

Cass/Carmella, Dolph/Dana. and possibly Ryder/Emma. Note that these folks are simply dating.

If he's smart with his money he shouldn't go bankrupt. Not while he (and AJ) could do the convention circuit and make easy money there.

But she can't be on Smackdown. IIRC, she's dating Dolph, and you know how WWE feels about dating couples…

Can't disagree. Doesn't help that Charlotte is something of a black hole of charisma.

Worst thing to happen to Dana was either getting called up too early or Emma getting hurt.

Of course it doesn't. Generico is there.

I take it you never got to the part where Tank Abbott is their groupie.

Hanging out in Tijuana with El Generico?

There's probably some catchphrases that could describe that match, but I can't think of any right now…

The Bull Dempsey feud did the man zero favours, as did continuing the 20 second squash matches afterwards. But shockingly, working with veterans like Rhyno, Joe, Zayn and Balor clearly helped the man improve.

Revival and Alpha should keep fighting until we're sick of it. And seeing as those four have good chemistry in the ring it might be some time before we are sick of it.

I think things depend on Balor. If the Demon shows up, we're not getting a heel turn. If it's just Finn, a heel turn is much more likely.

That guy fucks.

They gave Lucy Liu back, so… no.

I doubt the audience knew who she was. But I feel like in 30 seconds she at least managed to establish who she was, who she was aligned with, and gave us something about her character (bully who prefers humiliation over beatdowns).