Idiotic men suggest they wish they’d had a hot teacher on them & don’t understand it was assault, it was rape. People suggest that somehow it doesn’t hurt boys to be molested by women.
Idiotic men suggest they wish they’d had a hot teacher on them & don’t understand it was assault, it was rape. People suggest that somehow it doesn’t hurt boys to be molested by women.
All the stars.
There’s also the very real biological and physiological fact that girls mature, on average, years earlier than boys. So imagine the psychological toll: you’re a boy. One year, you’re around the same height and weight as your girl classmates, cousins, sisters, friends. The next year, they’ve grown 3+…
I’ve read quite a few stories recently that studies are finding that female sexual predators are much more prevalent than previously thought:
I’m having lamb tomorrow... because fuck turkey AND ham. One of the best things about being an adult is having the power to decide you don’t want any of that nonsense. It almost makes all the bills, anxiety, and early onset forehead wrinkles worth it.
Have you tried ember-roasted shallots? Try ember-roasted shallots some time!
Adding sugar to spaghetti is fine because it cuts the acidity in the tomato sauce. But to Mac&Cheese?!? That’s like adding lemon to scrambled eggs.
Not everyone has the same standard of cleanliness. You need to *know* the person cooking your chittlings.
Didn’t Pastor Skip already try and fail to make Christianity cool?
Church is just a really shitty book club about the Bible. Trying to treat it otherwise is just putting lipstick on a pig.
Exactly and you know them greens got hamhock in it so you gonna skip those too?
Barf! Good thing they wont be paying any taxes on any of that $$
I think the pic isn’t sexual assault. It is def sexual harassment. I suppose you could make the argument that it is objectively “less bad” than assault. But I think that’s a tricky argument to get into because both sexual harassment and sexual assault are coming from the same societal problems re: treatment of women.…
Also: if you’ve got “that one guy” in your social circle whom you know women tend to find creepy/sketchy/rapey, maybe stop trying to bug us into “giving him a chance” as a date or friend, stop giving him a pass all the time for and start talking to HIM about the way he acts.
Santa doesn’t care about international politics but he does prefer rich kids — look at how many more presents he brings to them.
That👏🏼 is 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 how 👏🏼 this 👏🏼 works.
Terrified they’ll fuck it up. I have lovely mind pictures of what the Oankali look like and Lilith’s interaction with them. It’s good enough.
They’re putting “Dawn” on TV??? Nope. Not gonna watch. Octavia Butler *RIP. Shakes fist at sky. DAMN YOU STAIRS* is the reason I started writing. She made me believe Black women could be the hero and lead us into a new future.
Not to disagree, but even this mentality implies that “tummy aches” are okay and that certain allergies, because they’re less severe, are acceptable to ignore. When someone gives my toddler dairy he doesn’t die, but his “tummy ache” means explosive diarrhea, vomiting, painful cramps, headaches, and an unwillingness to…
“Yes, but you’ve also made a fool out of me. You’ve made the life I lead foolish, too.”