

It’s good if it helps stop the behavior.

I didn’t say they didn’t exist. I’m disagreeing with the premise that they’ve become less prominent over time. There are hordes of those types of books on the market now, but they aren’t, and weren’t then, the most popular books.

Now that I figured out what option to choose on my computer to make the TV I’m now using as a monitor not garble the text for some reason every time I fire up a game, I think I’ll get back into mixing things up between my efforts to 100% Arkham Knight and a Witcher 3 Death March run.

Team Triss?

Skurnick claims the first major shift away from sex in young adult books was of course, Harry Potter and his limp wand.

Back in the DVD mailer days, it was the first several seasons of The Office.

“I don’t think he’s changed,” Willoughby said. “It definitely worries me because if I’m being frank with you, if he hasn’t already been abusive with Hope, he will. Particularly now that he’s under a lot of stress and scrutiny. That’s when the behaviors come out.”

For us, the timer thing works ... sometimes ... We make a bit of a game out of asking Siri to set a timer, he likes hearing her respond.

Haha, you’re cute.


Sub-Saharan Africa’s societies were plenty violent.

It’s basically a nice way to ask “really, dude, are you this much of a shitheel?

Boyce Watkins might not be a con man. He might be serious about helping black people achieve financial freedom.

Hi, yes, you are bad at math and should stop talking about things you don’t understand.

Too true. We can hope that people will finally start seeing through the unicorn farts and fairy dust illusion of Republican supply-side fiscal policy-making, but I’m skeptical.

You’re not going to get a tax increase in with Republicans in power until they are backed into a corner by global markets and that’s going to be related to markets growing tired of ever increasing deficits even during portions of the economic cycle when they should be coming down, not to pay for maternity leave

I’m still baffled that people are regularly dropping $30k-$50k for ceremonies and reception

Yeah, people wondering why the Republicans don’t run a token candidate there and assigning goofy nefarious motives for it are being silly.

There’s a reason he’s unopposed in the Republican primary. It’s an unwinnable seat for them.