
The difference is the military trains them with the proper handling and use of those firearms before allowing them to use them and sending them off to war. They also do things like keep a record of who takes what rifle, how many rounds they take, how many rounds they use, where they were used, how many were returned,

When an 18 year old is sent off to war, they are given weeks and weeks of training on how to safely use a gun, respond to threats, and act according to orders and strict rules of engagement. They are also heavily screened for health, physical ability, and are essentially brainwashed (in a good way) into compliance

I love how Jones said “It is critical that you come and support the 1st amendment” about youtube censoring his channel.

Well, yeah. I mean he went to Band Camp, which is really, really close to “Boot Camp” and that’s practically Navy SEAL training right there! And he did all that while suffering with those horribly debilitating bone spurs (that would have permanently crippled any normal human being that wasn’t blessed by Trump

us libs also hate the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace. You should join those too to piss us off. Also, liberals think the Democratic party is a sell-off, so you should volunteer for the Democrats for the midterms, and then post here - our snowflakes will melt in fury.

Ok, first of all, if you’re worried about preserving democracy, you need to focus just as much effort that you put into defending guns by:
1) Increasing voting turnout, do all that you possibly can so that people vote.
2) Term limits on congress, incumbency is a huge detriment to democracy.
3) End gerrymandering, so that

Let’s be honest, the Country would be vastly improved if the 2nd amendment was overturned tomorrow, and personal ownership of firearms was banned. Sure, it wouldn’t take the current guns out of circulation, but they’re just paperweights without ammunition. “Only the bad guys would have guns” but no ammo. It’s not like

Yes, the assault weapons ban was ridiculous because you’re trying to ban a concept, not a description of a mechanical function. Of course it didn’t work. It’s like a war on drugs or terrorism; you can’t “battle” a nebulous concept.

Check out JD Durkin’s thread of trump dating stock photos:

Fuck those Welfare Queen using SNAP to buy diapers and formula for their infants! What? Why on Earth would you take away this schizophrenia patient’s God-Given Right to blow his Social Security checks on carbine rifles and body armour?!?! STOOPID LIBRULS!

Two part process. First, require that all firearms be registered in a central database, including sales and movement of said firearms. Owning an unregistered firearm becomes a felony at a certain point. If someone has a gun registered in their name and it was involved in a crime, if they did not report the firearm as

If his car was just as dangerous of a weapon, why do you figure he opted for the gun? If a bomb is so easy to make, why do you figure he opted for the gun?

The 2A needs clarified. But we know damn well a Constitutional Convention of the states would NOT result in a logical compassionate reworking of the constitution. And any Amendment would die on the vine. We need to vote out all that are bought off by the NRA. Dems and Repubs...

Its just a school shooting. No big deal, happens every few days. What really matters? That people are talking ill of the gun. Its the most important thing ever created by God (next to Trump forgive me!) and everyone should have one. No 10 of them. You don’t want the NRA to fail to achieve its sales goals after all.

You know, hearing these people talk about how “safe” the AR-15 is makes me think about how it contrasts with the guns people used to use. The ones in use, say, around the time of the Revolutionary War and the drafting of the Constitution. It’s almost like the guys who guaranteed the right to bear arms (as part of a

Its been too long since most of them even recall what its like to be a “normal” citizen. Term limits would help immensely in this regard. If you’ve been in Congress for north of 2 decades there is no way in hell you are actually in touch with the common man.

Many of them have (see: Paul Ryan). But the Republican Golden Rule is: Always for me but not for thee.

Nothing like cutting $5.66 billion away from the Education budget. So the thing that will allow people not to rely on government funds by having more skills and being smarter, we should eliminate that. It is like nothing surprises me anymore with this stupid administration.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Yeah, but those countries are socialist! If there’s one thing that’s worse than people in one of the wealthiest countries in the world literally dying because they don’t have health insurance, while millions more are financially ruined for years if not life, it’s socialism!