
I have a vision of pro-lifers stepping on children and crushing infants in their crusade to ‘save’ all the unborn and unwanted babies. Because what an overburdened, underfunded, exploitative, and abusive foster system needs is adding *MORE* children to its ranks.

having a decent gaming PC, Switch, and launch versions of the PS4/Xbox One in my house, i can safely say there’s room for every platform. That said, that Xbox PUBG version runs like shit on my Xbox One so even with the cheaters, PC is still the best place to play for the moment.

Damn cheaters can go eat shit and die. I was killed last night by some dill hole who found a way to get inside some rock geo and proceeded to kill me and my team from with in a giant rock.

I think they were just offering him something useful:

I bought Subnautica in 2015 after seeing some youtuber play it and i was instantly smitten, this has got to be one of the best survival games on the market right now,
all in thanks to Unknown Worlds’ decision to be completely open about their development process by letting everyone view their Trello page.

Watching all

I think that D&D has an overabundance of low-level fodder creatures. Between goblins and their larger kin, kobolds, bandits, cultists, zombies, orcs, gnolls, and wild beasts, it can be hard to make them each feel distinct with 5e’s rules as they appear in the books.

I mean, no, bullshit doesn’t usually fit most agendas that aren’t created by Republicans. Make no mistake, these paltry bonuses being somehow linked to tax cuts is a steaming, bloody heap of bullshit.

Because if we had a democratic administration right now we all know we wouldn’t pass a tax bill that defers trillions more debt to your children.

Socialist countries like Denmark have the highest citizen happiness with their government and life. Maybe they’re onto something.

The Russians have benefited enormously from Trump. To begin with, it is unlikely that the Russian government ever intended for Trump to win, but his winning was like Christmas for Vladimir Putin. Putin is trying to crush pro-democracy forces in Russia, and pointing to the discord of the US under Trump is a good

I do not think you understand how intelligence works.

Many sites have articles on this development, but I think it’s important for interested citizens to also read the transcript itself. In a sense, we can do this because of Trump (blackmailed?) toadies Sens. Grassley and Graham, who set a partisan precedent by unilaterally moving to refer Steele for criminal

“Simpson repeatedly refused to name the sources who provided information to Steele.”

If *45 took one weekend off from golfing—one—that would be enough savings to keep the site running for fifty years. It’s not about the money. It’s about silencing dissenting voices.

I’ve struggled in the past to come up with gifts for my parents when I know they don’t “need” much. One thing that went over really well and was relatively cheap and easy to do: I found magazines on ebay from the week they were born. Life, National Geographic, Popular Mechanics. It was so cool and so personalized to

Actually, not how it works. Presidents are still only included in certain need to know basis. This has been called one of those instances. Look at it this way, president is a figurehead who can be replaced every 4 years. Generals and others who oversee black ops shit are lifers. It allows for plenty of deniability

It seems to be Left Channel only on my end.

Why would you be propelling yourself off of the seat?

It baffles me that vanilla D1 had Heroic Strikes on day one. Then after years of community feedback, Bungie improved Strikes over time with exclusive loot, scoring and buffs. Three years later the sequel arrives with no Heroic Strikes; only to have them come back behind a DLC paywall- without any of the previous