
Doesn’t the article end with “More importantly, do you have questions you’d like to see addressed in this column? Email your queries, big and small...” which implies you’re open to answering questions and/or taking suggestions for future articles? This person had questions about this article, and when they asked you

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Everyone’s a little bit racist sometimes. The key is acknowledging that and working to get better while not being a dick.

That’s one of the things Trump is notoriously good at: saying basically whatever he wants in a way that he leaves just enough open to an alternative interpretation so as not to perjure himself when he and his team of lawyers descend on the courtroom. I hate it, but he’s gotten out of so many past lawsuits because his

Thanks to user DildaSwinton, this is incorrect. TN does have a TNStars 529 plan that was not listed on the savingforcollege .com site linked first through this article.

Really? I admittedly didn’t do any research myself, but the savingforcollege .com website listed here didn’t even list the state. Thank you internet commenter.

Yay for living in Tennessee where this isn’t an option...

I did, and I tried. I couldn’t afford it even with the subsidies.

I do see where you’re going, and I support the single payer system. As you said, the individual mandate system is *supposed* to flatten costs, but there’s no real incentive for insurers to do so because everyone is forced to buy it. Like when we had those bad gas price spikes a few years ago, if you are forced to buy

I support one thing, and one thing only with this. The removal of the provision that forces everyone to buy health insurance or get fined. Is it a good idea to get health insurance? Absolutely. But, not everyone can afford it, and it seems like a poverty fee to charge people a penalty for not getting something they

Actually, according to the latest PEW poll, younger people favor a single-payer system far more than older people. And it’s not that they don’t think it’s worth paying for their own, it’s that the current rates are too expensive to afford.

We’ve tried that before, and it doesn’t work that great. Consumers are at the mercy of pharma companies and insurance companies because they don’t have the buying power to force them to do the right thing (see pharma BS with the Epi-Pen mess recently and Martin Shkreli prior with the HIV med price increase). A

I live here and you’re absolutely right. The Republicans are not looking out for the general populace or even their own party they’re supposed to represent. Government officials have free healthcare provided for by taxes, but don’t want the same for the rest of the nation. They even go so far as to specifically write

What it should be: Original scientific content displaying the majesty of sharks in contrast to the mindless killing machine image they get from Hollywood.

The next election will be interesting. 2016 saw a LOT of D voters snubbed, lied to, and out and out cheated by the DNC over the HRC/Bernie nonsense and the effect that will have on the next campaign is still unknown. I have no hard evidence to back this up, but it feels like public faith in our political system is at

It is. So is PB and banana. Sadly I’ve recently developed a severe allergic reaction to bananas and can no longer eat them...

Also, using honey roasted peanut butter is a whole new level of deliciousness.

Thank you. I’m actually atheist, but not anti-theist, so I enjoy having open discussions about theology. If I can get someone to think just a little differently, that is a joy. Being that I also live in TN with the OP, I felt a desire to comment as well.

Following these beliefs, do you also believe homosexuality to be a choice someone makes? Do you believe that LGBT people see the majority of the world, see how most people are man/woman, and then willingly decide to “sin” and choose to be different and open themselves up to mocking at best, and death at worst? How

Yea. The insurance is the kicker. That’s why it’s a good idea to call before you make the drive anywhere. But by the same token, I’m glad they take it seriously enough to give that kind of consideration.

My daughter is 6. I got it done at a local tattoo and piercing place called Endless Kreations Custom Tattoo and Piercing that was very highly rated online. Unless you live in middle Tennessee, the name won’t really matter. Depending on how old your kid is, I’d highly recommend calling a couple places after you’ve