Make sure to get the “Scrapper” perk as early as possible. Helps you get screws and stuff from scrapping.
Make sure to get the “Scrapper” perk as early as possible. Helps you get screws and stuff from scrapping.
Such an odd thing isn’t it? I’m just glad someone got to see it. I laughed so hard the first time I saw it.
Illaoi at a young age...
So the elitist jerks who play the game “1v9” and are probably some of, if not THE most toxic people in the game are whining because they won’t be able to prove they have the biggest epeen by being a 1 man carry in a game that’s supposed to be a 5-on-5 team game? Boo freakin hoo. I’ve probably lost more games due to…
I know it’s not the same thing. Hell I’m still a student just learning to use UE4 as my first experience with a game engine. In-house developed software is almost never as good as pre-existing commercially developed software. They are the same in that they’re all game engines meant to do similar things, but that’s it.…
No way. I’m using UE4 a lot recently, and it’s no where near that slow. This is the problem with developing your own engine and not devoting the necessary resources into it fully.
If you’re on NA server, I’d be happy to if you ever see me on. Always happy to duo. I play a little of everything, but currently main jungle/mid. Soloistpro is my username.
I’ve only seen it a couple times, it can be deadly as hell in the right hands. Luckily, you don’t see it much in the lower elos. I’m only S5 myself.
You must not have seen a Sated Devourer Vayne jungle before...
Not immediately. Usually they are on the free rotation within a month of release though.
I love that Glorious Golden Zac chroma.
How does one get 100.02% completion? The math seems a bit off...
I am almost 30 now. I grew up on Pokemon. The local mall for me back then actually had a tournament on Saturday mornings right in front of Toys R Us where you could earn actual Gym Badges! And then my parents got divorced around the time I was starting middle school, and I sold ALL of my Pokemon stuff at a yard…
When you rebuild your exotics through the blueprints, does it keep the upgrade progress you had on it before you dismantled it or that it currently has on your other character?
To clarify, it’s because Remi is a transgender woman. I’m not hating on her, but just want to clear up why Remi specifically mentioned the LGBT thing. It’s because she is part of the “T”.
I love the Ben 10 shows, but that makes me uncomfortable...
Me too!
I’m not a fan of the face either, but damn, I don’t think it looks that bad. The costume looks kinda cheap though. I actually like the hair.
It was a good game, but I wouldn’t say it was better than the first. I liked the story better, but the combat became so easy in the 2nd half of the game when EVERYONE that wasn’t a droid could be a Jedi. That made the combat sections more tedious than anything and dragged the surrounding content down with it because…
I will agree gaters are terrible. What has happened to those women is beyond morally reprehensible without question, but isn’t it better if that kind of hatred and general human toxicity die? Equal treatment is nice an all, but it shouldn’t be applied to negative/hurtful/bad situations. Wouldn’t it be better to have…