
I get that in general, I’m just not sure the criticism is warranted against Davis. They’re extrapolating from one quote how she feels about her entire experience... I don’t think that’s possible.

While we may not have any hard proof (YET), there is a 0% chance Steve Bannon has never said nigger.

But it also doesn’t play as an 18-21 year old, which is how she looked and acted. I get that she was mentally ill, but how old was her character supposed to be? Maybe it doesn’t play as a 40 year old, but a 30 year old would have made more sense than a 20 year old. Additionally, she’d just been in X-Men and the Hunger

I don’t know why she keeps being cast in movies like this. In SLP, I couldn’t figure out how old she was supposed to be. She looked and acted about 16, but had been married and widowed and was now flirting with Bradley Cooper who I know is in his 40s. It was distracting from the performance, which was otherwise good.

The fact that both Harry and William could easily be described as lads is one of the major factors as to why I think the monarchy needs to go.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! There are so many better brands out there! She rips from Anastasia BH and others.

I really feel bad for Kim and their kids.

colourpop > kylie

That plagiarism isn’t even good. The Kylie version looks so amateurish. Not that it’s an excuse if something ripped off is done better, mind you.

I liked SLP but I agree, it should have been someone at least 30. She felt too young for that role.

I thought she was about 15 years too young for Silver Linings Playbook, and it showed.

The only thing about her that rubs me the wrong way is that she said that she’s never received a day of acting training from ANYONE: not a coach, not a school. Nothing. Perhaps it’s true, but a lot goes into prepping for a role; claiming that you’ve never ever ever EVER had a day of training in your life for the job

Her winning over Quvenzhane Wallis that year will never stop making me Very Grumpy.

Re Jennifer Lawrence’s praise of boyfriend, a broken-hearted David O Russell is unavailable for comment as busy making Darren-Aronofsky-shaped voodoo dolls, and seething.

I think a lot of her fame is from being over directed by men so no wonder this relationship is happening

She was total crap in that movie

Oh but she’s relatable and farts and eats food and stuff!

Same but I’m the same age as JLaw and I definitely wouldn’t date him, tho.

Nicholas Hoult seems like a not terrible person, but her choices since then. . . yikes.

How I wish Jennifer Lawrence would just go away.