I think it was Laurie Hernandez who did that.
I think it was Laurie Hernandez who did that.
Yup. Props to the interviewer for pressing her while remaining classy, but I do wish someone would just let loose and really rip into one of these spoiled brats someday.
Never underestimate the selfish motivation of those interested in procreation. Adopt, maybe? Nope, it absolutely HAS to be their genes because fuck everyone else.
The fucking Times referred to Trump as “stretching the truth” when he said Clinton didn’t have a plan. That’s an interesting way of saying “knowingly and shamelessly lying”.
I never thought that Cosmo would be more willing to ask substantive questions than the New York Times, and yet here we are.
Obama’s plan has black on it, plus it only applies to Muslim babies.
I felt sympathy for Ivanka when she seemed to stick to “He’s my dad, he’s great” statements. Now she has waded into spouting brazen lies, and claiming media bias when presented with facts.
I’m so lost at this. President Obama has been pushing for a similar program (six weeks of paid parental leave) for years. Heck his plan is MORE inclusive than Mr. Trump’s. (It includes fathers, same sex couples etc) http://www.govexec.com/pay-benefits/2…
Not gonna lie, my second favorite part of this video is Bey swanning in to give them a hug, then realizing they’re not quite done yet and then quickly running away
The smile on her face when she jumps back into the choreography at the end! So fucking cute.
Best part: When ‘Yonce steps in to congratulate the couple a beat too soon and nopes back out
did you watch miss america last night? (i did. why, i don’t know.) but ciara was a judge and some bitch said all lives matter and i thought she and gabby douglas and sara foster were gonna explode.
I’m not surprised that Wilson is team All-Lives, but I’m disappointed that Sherman is too. You’d think that a guy like Sherman, who himself has been the target of bigoted criticisms for things that white guys get a pass on, would be on the right side of this issue.
I would have expected better from Richard Sherman and Michael Bennett. I bet this was Russell Wilson’s idea.
But, too be clear, he was by far the bigger loser, because the public expects this kind of behavior from Taylor. Tom’s entrance into this circus was bizarre. He’s going to take a bigger hit from this than she is. Her PR team is next-level.
Do you also hate Eddie Redmayne? I inexplicably loathe all three of them. I blame Eton College.
I want Hiddleston to lose because Taylor’s lyrical blind item will be that much better if he does. Then when she calls it “Loser” or “My Emmy Nominated Ex” it’ll be an extra kick in the teeth.
Hiddleston has by far surpassed Benedict Cumberbatch as the English actor I most blindly hate. Hope anyone else in the running wins an Emmy.