God, this just makes me want to throw even more gobs and gobs of cash at these beautiful motherfuckers!
This statement is delusional. The WiiU hasn't moved half the numbers of the Xbox One.
Except the Xbox One is selling really well. I know the media like stories about conflict, so they tend to report more on the fact that it is losing to PS4 (except for in November and possibly December), but the truth is that it's doing really well. Microsoft is making tons of money of Xbox One. There's no reason…
Who here read the headline and thought they meant the first MGS? Disappoint.
"You're not playing it right"
I don't know what property costs are elsewhere, but I'll share my brief story: A couple years back, my wife and I started looking for a house. We found a nice one for $100k. We got the realtor to come show us the place... and it was pretty awful. Needed a new roof, needed a new fence, just tremendously outdated. The…
Thou shalt allow alt+tab.
These things are going to be worth a fortune. No gamestop within 100 miles of me (minneapolis) has them in stock. Ebay prices are already ridiculous.
This is weird and pretentious. I like games as much as the next guy, but this is the same shit as pushing your kid into the sports you played to relive your own memories.
Bottom right near the laundry machine.
If you're having girl problems I feel bad for you son. I got 99 iPhones, and my marriage proposal was promptly rejected......
You know..... that sounded better in my head.
Goldeneye, looks like he just cleared the first mission.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is still waiting for that stuffed Pikachu he ordered off the internet yesterday...
Man every time I see that movie I always tear up during the jaguar shark/sigur ros scene.
saying "nihongo" instead of "Japanese" doesn't make you look smart.