Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
I didn’t want to buy this game at first, but my daughter has recently started getting interested in video games (Mario, to be specific), and I feel like it’ll be a great game I can play with her because you can co-op to capture Pokémons. The fact it’s easy is even better considering she doesn’t know how to read yet.
Truly the worst take.
Some people took issue with the game’s portrayal of cops and Spider-Man’s relationship to them. Kotaku’s Heather Alexandra critiqued the game’s black and white approach to law enforcement as predominantly unimpeachable good guys and criminals as violent anarchists, but she wasn’t alone. The Ringer, Deadspin, and Dot…
You are going to be so embarrassed when you figure it out.
OK, granted, Purdom didn’t drop this cliché (‘cause, god knows, this article isn’t really about any of the technical/sonic aspects of Mathers’ new album), but, man, I love it when these young critics say that Eminem “just” raps fast now.
Guy who enjoys mindless repetition, empty lyrics, and random ‘tourette’s-like’ outbursts of ‘skrrrrt’ in his hip hop writes scathing article about person who represents the exact opposite. So incredibly cutting edge and just what we should expect from a master of internets.
That tweet wasn't transphobic.
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
I went to star this, but then paused and slowly pulled my hand back.
Aww, they’re not getting rid of Bill Nye? That show is gar-baggge!
Mhm absolutely, and I intend to probably cash out about half of what I’m holding when it happens. I don’t doubt it’ll continue to rise down the line, lot of faith in it, I just think it’s too much of my portfolio right now, perhaps too much exposure.
I can see that. I’ve had my PC hooked up to my TV in the living room for ages and have lapboard, controllers (coincidentally I use the Elite), etc so it’s already seamless for me.
YES! Ditto. But when things on the Acer started to break down (things started permanently displaying in like, 16 colors) and programs stopped launching, I started learning how to tear down the facade, and eventually revealed a functional Windows desktop underneath.
Did you have that ACE Desktop shit?
“If i dont hear about a solution or an upcoming update, i have no issue considering Odyssey no longer a “reason” to own the Switch.”
So basically Mario Golf for the GameBoy Color.
How about this instead?