Starship Coyote

Welcome to my world.

I dare you to say that to Night Court's face. Or Columbo. Or Kolchak: The Night Stalker. Or Fuck You.

Indeed, the event was a lil illserved by its build, but goddamn if the talent didn't over deliver by many miles. Also: I've read complaint that Swag v Roodious was too slow, but I reckon the perceived slowness was more a 'you problem' of such observers. Masterclass, I thought.

For me in my high school years it was Negativland's 'Escape from Noise' and…well, that's pretty much it.

Yeah. RoboCop was probably 2nd only to Beetlejuice among my favorite films when I was a lil lad. Watched them both over and over.

Yeah. I read somewhere one of the creators stating that the core game areas felt like a "peasant misery simulator". And how!

"I've always been there for the rest of our lives." I believe that's directly lifted from a Charlie Manson tune.

Well, at least one orange racist is still embraced by WWE. Keep the faith.

To be fair to her flair, I've understood he to be the visionary and her to be the nuts & bolts.

Former WWE CEO. It's Vince McMahon's fucking wife. VK'fucking'M will certainly be at most influential dinners and involved in the fucking conversation.

This is where D 'The American Dolphin' B's longing for Cesaro and Zayn rings true. I reckon either of those dudes could reasonably headline a PPV againt AJ within a month of joining SDL.

I was looking for Steve Blackman. But I will accept this answer.

Yes. It feels as if though this SDL roster is missing something particular, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Somebody asked me recently what previously unattended concert was my dream, and I answered Morrissey.


'Oh Lord, Why Lord/Prayer' by Parliament. I was in stoned bliss as a passenger on a scenic seaside drive and the sunshine spoke to me. Chasing the dragon on this one.

Make mine Zooropa.

Pretty sure Trump followed Quintus Tullius Cicero's advice to the letter. That shit is timeless indeed, but I've never seen such a loyal deployment.

He doesn't care for music, does he?