Starship Coyote

"'The Earth was created in six days; so too shall it be destroyed. And on the seventh day, mankind will rest… in peace!'

Lotta commentariat action on this item. Inevitable surely when you slay an AV Club sacred cow like 'Pat'.

Brodus Clay is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more.

Losing fair-and-square by way of yr own stupidity and then attempting to murder yr opponent in retaliation after the fact. Does that constitute a heel turn?

Joe gonna shock the world. Joe is the shockmaster. Book it.

"In the arms of an angel…"

Fair and true. And I certainly don't think that The Grandson of a Plumber should be an exception to that in this scenario. I'm mostly just still sore about Scrull dropping to KUSHIDA. All respect to KUSHIDA.

Why anything, man? Why anything at all?

NJPW v RoH ends only one way. Same as it ever was.

A solid candidate for animaTrumpic's speech in Disney's Hall of Presidents. But there is I'm sure much concise, vulgar gold that surpasses. I'm eager to see what the cyber edits in.

The gorgeous ladies of WWE pulled the main event hat trick on Raw, SD, and NXT this week. This I think is not entirely unrelated to the glory of GLOW (TV Series). Good on everybody.

Saw this dude in 'But I'm a Cheerleader' some years back. Was watching in a theater with 5 er 6 friends. When he first appeared on screen we all independently and simultaneously shouted: "Ru-fi-ooohhh!"

I dug the Ball bit. Whatever. Let LaVar be LaVar.

I was on the verge of tears during the creation of the Laura PalmOrb for reasons that I don't fully understand.

On the "between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote" tip:

I came here to say Soft Cell and Wall of Voodoo because Soft Cell and Wall of Voodoo are kickass bands beyond their respective hits, and that's how I'm choosing to approach this topic. But they were they were the first two entries. So, I'll add The Vapors and Dexy's Midnight Runners to that.

Watched MitB at my-friend-who-is-a-girl's house while she mostly ignored it and attended to other things. She was annoyed by the outcome of the women's match, but I explained that was the intended reaction. Also after the main event she said with some emotion: "Nakamura lost? Aw, I like Nakamura." Followed by: "Oh my

I played exclusively as Pikachu on various SSBz and was ever delighted by the rage created in my opponents as Pikachu shouted his own name over and over again.

Joke's over, man. Dead.

The Covfeferacy will rise again!