Starship Coyote

lol wut

Does WWE have a perverse desire to put talented people in shitty segments just to test them? Like, if they're talented they'll make it work, right? Slap polkadots on them and see if they sink or swim? Sometimes I think so. Seems like bad business to me, but I guess they're the experts.

"Everything is in gibberish."

You may not be surprised to learn that many people are saying that this is fake news. Check out youtube and elsewhere commentaries. They believe that Melania's hand movements are unrelated to Donald's hand movements. The bias of the eyes is all over, I guess.

Heartened to see the penguins from Beakman's World getting work.

NXT was wall to wall bangers. UK match was some straight Flair v. Steamboat shit. Righteous future ahead for those kids, man.

I hope you die. I hope we both die.

Christ, what an asshole.

'Twas jammin'! Jammin', indeed.

Correct. I live in Texas. Some wish destruction on the state, and fine whatever. But they should be aware that more folks here vote blue than there are citizens in Massachusetts. So maybe ease up. People are people, so why should it be, ya kno?

Me. I do.

You laughed. You all laughed at the diet supremecy of Jinder. But who's dieting now, huh?


We're certain to soon get an AV Club article explaining why it is that Canadian Bigfoot is superior to its American counterpart.

Finally, commentary I can relate to.

Christ. I called up AV Club on my phone and saw a picture of JR minus text that refused to load. Panicked thinking he'd pulled a Warrior.

My main issue with Dave Otunga is that he's horribly miscast as a babyface announcer. Dude is a legit Harvard educated attorney who makes stupid sexy faces at the camera. Let him be a Paul E. Alliance type prick manager, but of low card, aggrieved talent. Recruitment via hilllllarious backstage segments. He can

I've no issue with The Revival on Raw so long as KO and Joe remain also. Those fellas uniting as a New Four Horsemen sorta thing will bring great joy to my heart.

Whatever. Milk is Nazi shit anyway. Fuck milk.

Finally, I can freeze my milk! Or be forced to consume it more quickly. No more half measures.