Starship Coyote

That's not funny. My mother died of comment section.

Sit on it.

Indeed. MadTV dissolving, MadTV removing. Remove the MadTV from the bottom of the barrel.

I watched the RNC on PBS and spent most of my time drunkenly fantasizing about cozying up between Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff. Ya know, like a civilized person.

Haha. FF VII rando encounters. Lay Flat. Lay Flat. Lay Flat. Lay Flat. Lay Flat.

Gaunter O'Dimm

Tiger Woods?

Happy to read LaFergz' mostly positive reading of this. Lotta crying elsewhere. Cageside Seats has been insufferable re: WWE Draft. But they, as per usual, are miles above most of elsewhere—minus here, natch. I refuse to look at the commentary on Wrestling Inc. where the population appears a far higher percentage ESL


I truly hope that all content releated to everything that you enjoy is deleted and that the A.V. Club is finally devoted exclusively to coverage of professional wrestling.

I have a pal whom I've implored repeatedly to watch 'Mr. Robot'. But he's always like: "nah." And I'm like: "why?" And he's like: "Cuz fuck 'Burn Notice'."

" - Jerry 'The King' Lawler

Cool it, Alex Jones. Next you'll tell me that Hulk Hogan was Mr. America. Sheesh.

In my head, Superman stayed dead.

That's because they don't hate sports, they hate the people who picked on them in high school.

"I bet you're the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around."

Can you hear us Batman on your stereo?

To hell with She-Hulk. I never forgave her for coming to my house and ripping up all of my X-Men comics.

Makin' copies.

'Lambert, Lambert, what a prick.'